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Heya Coffe!

Oh, yes, I have the same issue as Xzrono in getting the next phase of the story going when choosing Beileph as the means to progress choosing "Let me speak to the Older Brother" rather than "Let me speak to the Merchant Leader" or "Let me speak to the Queen's hand". That is when the Bestiary first shows the option to request talking with the Beileph. We can have the initial conversation with him (I asked about his work), he babbles, then leaves in a rush. Every time I go there again to see if the story can progress he just pops his head out to ask the worker "Have we received word from the envoy-?" and once he sees the PC he turns away and slams the door and the worker basically kicks the PC out with an apology. Asking the worker to pass on the message to Beileph asking for him to support the Transient One also has nothing happen to progress the story line. I thought I had to get Samuel to level 100 to proceed (hint: that isn't a requirement! Haha!). I've tried going to the merchant guild but seeing his sister Beisel isn't an option when one chose Beileph as the means to progress the story so the PC can't challenge her to a duel. I tried going to the forest to sleep so the game registered time has passed (I don't even know if that is a mechanic but I thought I should try that just in case). It didn't occur to me it's potentially a bug. Hmmm...


Yes! Thank you both for finding this bug. If you are still stuck in this spot, you should now be able to revisit the bestiary, ask to speak with Beileph, re-watch the scene where he mentions an envoy, and now it should flag properly. There will be dialogue where Samuel will suggest to go visit the Merchant Build and talk to Beisel. Please let me know if 1.43 fixes your problem, as I tested it myself but my file might vary somehow.


Hi Coffee!

I gave 1.43 a test and yes, Samuel tells the PC to go to the Merchant's Guild instead and things proceed well. I'm excited to continue the story!

Um, I realized after I posted my bug report it sounded kinda... overbearing. Going on about the things I tried to do probably read as over dramatic complaining. I had intended to be thorough in explaining as much detail about it as I could to make it easier for you to find, especially when at that point I thought there were some hidden mechanics about triggering the next story phase. Sorry about that! Alas, I seem to be unable to prevent myself from acting like a numpty muppet. :)

Ah thanks for letting me know that it's working for you. I hope you were able to get through the war campaign okay. And please don't apologize for reporting bugs! I really really really appreciate it  so much!! I feel when people write strong opinions it's from a place of having a sense of investment or passion for something. Your suggestions mean that you want my project to be as good as it can be, so thank you so much and don't hold back ^o^