Hey there, I wanted to give some feedback after playing your game for quite a while since I think it has a lot of charm and things to like, but some glaring flaws that are dragging it down.
So first off, I think this game has a lot of potential and the .2.2 update fixed a lot of the issues in the older version. The art and animation is good and has a lot of character to it as well.
That being said I think there are a lot of underlying game design choices that don't make this game hard per say, they just make it tedious to play and I'll address them one by one:
- 1: Limited ammo
Right off the bat I think this should be changed. Having your main way of dealing damaged be so limited, especially for the boss who you can't hit with your fists makes this game a chore to play. In fact, the best option for the first screen is to run past all the enemies and not shoot a single orb since otherwise you'll run out when fighting the boss, which will most likely happen anyway. I think it's fine to have the thorn shots be limited, since they are more powerful, but I'd suggest adding in either ammo drops from enemies, having them replenish over time, or getting rid of them entirely. Ammo drops could work well since the boss spawns enemies and zombies also spawn at certain parts, so these could be a good way to give the player more resources rather than just throwing more hotboxes their way. I know the player can use rocks, but having to stop, find one, pick it up, and then find an angle to throw it since they don't go as far really kills the pace of the game. plus sometimes they fly off screen and don't come back. But the way this game is designed now, missing only a couple of shots is basically a death sentence.
-2: Too many enemies and not a good way to deal with them
Enemies tend to litter the screen in this game, and the player doesn't really have a great way to deal with them. You can jump back and throw orbs, but since you have limited ammo, that will screw you over during the boss. The big flying enemies especially are a nuisance since they can deal a lot of damage and be quite hard to hit. With so many hitboxes on the screen and no really solid mobility options to avoid them, you are bound to get hit by something. And if you get overwhelmed by enemies, there's no great way to deal with them with out taking a lot of damage yourself. I'd recommend adding a bomb that deals damage to enemies on the screen or near you like in other bullet hell games. It can be limited, but it will at least makes moments where you get swarmed a bit easier to deal with.
-3:The boss
So I've attempted to beat this game at least 15 times now, and I've gotten to the point where I can get to the boss without getting hit and using very minimal shots. Even in that scenario though, I still haven't even broken all of the boss' armor. I've run out of ammo and rocks every time and it's gotten to the point where I genuinely think she isn't possible to beat. She simply seems to take too many hits to be defeated with the limited amount of ammo you have. Plus she constantly summons enemies, which I personally don't think is a great idea since it's just throwing more enemies in the situation to add artificial difficulty instead of being able to focus and learn the boss' patterns. Plus if you go to the left of the screen zombies spawn which causes problems like I mentioned above. I also don't really know if I'm doing damage to her most of the time. I don't see a health bar (except the bottom right which I'm guessing is a pleasure meter or something?) and some of the places you can hit her don't even seem to do damage. I found out you can hit her hand so I figured you could disable her blue attacks if you hit her hand enough but after using all of my shots, it didn't do anything. You need to be more clear on where the boss can actually take damage, especially since you have a limited amount of ammo.
-4: Other notes
- extend invulnerability after getting hit. Most of the times you just get hit twice by the same attack without a way to really react to it.
- I think the mushrooms should recover more than just 1 heart since there are only 2 of them and the 2nd one is pretty difficult to get them without getting hit.
- Knockback for fist attacks. I think the melee attacks should deal some knockback so enemies don't just stack on top of you and hit you anyways.
Overall, I do think this game has potential and I don't want you to be discouraged by any negative feedback, but right now it's way to tedious to play and most people aren't going to invest the amount of time needed to beat this before just giving up. Especially since this is a porn game. I know you can probably get through this game really easily, but you got to keep in mind that you have the bias of making it. You know exactly how things work are also going to be patient enough to learn it's nuances, because you already knew them. There's no problem with making a game that provides a challenge, but there is a difference between challenge and add difficulty just for the sake of it. I'd recommend revamping the way you handle the challenge of the game if you want people to engage with it more. Regardless of if you implement some of my ideas or not, I hope development of the game goes well in the future.