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I honestly downloaded this because I was bored and horny for a Hentai Game, and this one looked promising. I don't know what Black Game Dev Magic you have Runey, but this is actually one of my favorite games in the past 5 years. I feel weird saying that considering it's an NSFW game, but let me lay this out. The world-building is actually insanely good and is probably the best since Fallout: New Vegas imo. The various lands, Elf races, history, and other events ongoing in the world is awesome. They are interconnected with what the MC and girls go through, and every bit of information feels relevant.  The art style is really pretty and the character design is really fucking good. Speaking of characters, ALL of them are very well written and go through great character changes, to the point you develop an actual emotional attachment to the girls, which I didn't think was possible for an NSFW game.  I didn't like Ashley at first because I really dislike Yandere character types, but halfway through her story, I start to sympathize with her and she changes into someone great. The same goes for Felicity and Emma, actual bitches at the start, they develop into awesome people. The Side characters feel just as important as the main residents as well, and I hope that more are introduced and some such as the other college girls, get their full-fledged story, like the other side characters. Maria is my personal favorite and I was shocked and angry at the plot twist, late into her story, which I think is indicative of good characterization on Runey's end. The story is compelling, which I think is the biggest surprise I have had putting 60 hours into this game. All of the character's individual stories, eventually branch into the main conflict, the Elven slavery issue. Each character has some sort of reason to be involved in liberating Elves and Half-Elves and it doesn't even feel forced, since I didn't even think about it like that until I got the sanctuary upgraded, and all of the stories started to merge. I actually felt sad when i reached the end of the Ver 16 game, because i am genuinely invested in this game. Runey, you have genuine talent friend. You somehow made a harem, hentai game, where the characters aren't just objectified and feel like real, likable people, that go through realistic issues, in a corrupt world, with a very engaging story and an intriguing world behind it. That is a talent that few have, and even fewer game devs have, so this project is definitely special. I feel selfish to ask that you keep working on this game until you die, but if you decide to move on to other projects before it's finished, make sure that the person who works on it next shares the same passion for this story and the characters that you do.  Maybe this is an exaggeration, but i feel sexual content in video games could have been not as frowned upon in modern Triple A games, if this had populairty. This feels more like a good interactive visual novel game, rather than just some porn game to beat off too. I'll make sure to sub to the Patreon once i get a couple of paychecks in, because you earned it. Best of luck to you Runey and i cant wait for Ver 17!

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Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear that you enjoy the game so much :) I think what you've noticed is that I developed HH to be an adult visual novel, and not a porn game. There are certainly elements of it in there, but my priority has always been on the story and especially the characters.

I have plans and concepts for a potential sequel, probably made in unreal engine 5. I'm still learning how to use it though.

Wait what??? A Sequel? In Unreal 5???? Jesus Christ where did this level of passion for gaming go. You already made a big game and continue to make it good, do you have an expected time frame when the main game will be finished?

Big corporations can't produce art that well. There are too many moving cogs, too many people wanting to change it, and the main drive is always profit.

I'm just one guy, and like most artists, I'm mainly happy that my work is being seen and appreciated! It also really helps that people here financially support me so I'm able to give this project my all.

I'm not sure when HH will be finished, but I can estimate that the main story is about 65% done.

Do you plan on Harem Hotel 2 to continue where the first game will leave off, or will it be a different cast entirely?