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A member registered May 19, 2023

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Nah, The game is still at about 60% done, and the Dev had to take some time off for personal issues. They did say that it would be implemented towards the end so its gonna be a bit, but there is some good progression in the current story

You've done an awesome job so far with the story and characters, and i am excited to see what you do next. I like that you chose the same 3D style as Cabin in the Woods/ Harem Hotel, as both games and both devs do as good as a job as you do.

I did also see the unfortunate news that you had, and im sorry you had to go through that, and I hope your mother had a great journey in the afterlife. I get that theres dates and deadlines, especially for a WIP game, but make sure you save some time for yourself and personal life, so that you dont get burnt out or feel like you can't grieve. 

Thank you for your time!

Just finished Power's route and i do really like the detail and story this game has so far, but I do have a couple of questions regarding the "freeing" aspect of the story.

When they become free, and realize their true existence, are they remembering their life from their respective universe, or are they just acknowledging that they are essentially AI, that became sentient and want to have their own life? I ask this because if it is the former, then Power's story may need to be continued, due to the inclusion of Makima. Power and Makima have a very important plot moment, in the Manga of CSM, and I feel that if they are recognizing that their personalities and memories are from a specific world, then they will certainly have a lot of issues.

It's kinda hard to pinpoint which one is true, because some characters seem to have their similar personalities and the inclusion of the Demon Slayer story, makes me think its was the first idea, but also Power is a bit different then her CSM character.

Skibidipedia route when?


Wow! That is an extremely in depth dev process and I am actually excited for the updates and end content for the game. I have noticed that a lot of Renpy games are largely focused on character and story, and hearing that it is a lot easier for devs makes a lot of sense for it to be effective. 

I do remember the first cycle ending with the protag feeling hazy, and then the day repeats. Is or will there be a story explanation for that, or is it just a cool 4th wall break to make the cycle logical? I did just get to Alex, after playing through Alex's routes (I think im done but there are a couple of other tabs that i'm not sure of) So i dont know if there is foreshadowing or an explanation yet.

This game is really damn good besides being fap material. Pretty much on par with Harem Hotel with effort and character development.  I would like a version though where it has smaller breast sizes, or characters with different sizes, but that is more of a preference thing.  How far along are you in the development cycle and do you plan on making games with different engines?

TLDR: Game is good and the decisions are more impactful then most TellTale games

The game has potential, but the current public version has way too little content, and is extremely buggy. Rika somehow got pregnant without doing what is needed to get her pregnant. Monetizing your game is cool, but I think the public version should be on par with the Patreon one for now, so that we can get some bug fixes, and then have patreon users get content earlier.

Also, a guide would be really helpful in case people miss stuff.

Its not the full game rn. Patreon is like 4 or 5 updates ahead apparently. 

They are alright. The Dev diaries pretty much explain everything and now he's back on track. For reference, i believe the DEV said that the game is 75% done.  He may do a couple of post end updates, but it seems that he may be focusing on the sequel sooner than later

The game is fun, but there really needs to either be a consistent way to get stronger, or a lot less RNG when it comes to enemy spawn. Its extremely hard to get anywhere with randomized skills mixed with random spawn rates. I did just invest some coins so maybe I can strike it lucky, but it is pretty hard to play with the limited attacks you have.

Considering that this game is still not finished, and the Dev has been going through a lot of personal issues, I can say that it is definitely going to be a while before that happens.

So he wont do it probably for this game, but he did say he would make a sequel in Unreal Engine, which if he does do that, that would be an insane game!

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You gotta beat Night 5

Question, How many animations are there in total? I'm at night 6, and its saying completetion 55%, but i have the 2nd animations already unlocked

How do you die on Night One?

You are actually straight up delusional. Corrupt Kingdom is completely different than this. Corrupt Kingdom has been updated Weekly with small updates for four years, while this guy has been putting a lot of time into one singular update, that could be drastically different from corrupt. You can't say the character development is bad when literally 25 percent of the fully finished game is available.  As for my statement about you being a "tough" guy, you literally said you'd shoot people if they try shit over the internet lmao. It seems to me based on what the Dev said in the comments, and your behavior after this, that you are just a Body pillow fucking sociopath that didn't get his way, and started harassing others because of it. If you can actually come up with evidence of CP, than I'd consider your argument. Until then, maybe give that pillow a wash my

You are actually straight up delusional. Corrupt Kingdom is completely different than this. Corrupt Kingdom has been updated Weekly with small updates for four years, while this guy has been putting a lot of time into one singular update, that could be drastically different from corrupt. You can't say the character development is bad when literally 25 percent of the fully finished game is available.  As for my statement about you being a "tough" guy, you literally said you'd shoot people if they try shit over the internet lmao. It seems to me based on what the Dev said in the comments, and your behavior after this, that you are just a Body pillow fucking sociopath that didn't get his way, and started harassing others because of it. If you can actually come up with evidence of CP, than I'd consider your argument. Until then, maybe give that pillow a wash my man

Gotcha, I was gonna assume that the Eldritch would have some sort of influence due to the little demon dude that hands you potions but we'd have to see. In any case, im definitely excited foe the future!

(1 edit)

Bro is trying to act like a tough guy on a NSFW game forum lmao. Only shots going on around here is the Jizz Bullets on your crusty ass body pillow 

Pyrocynical would KILL this guy

Just started Act 3 and wow, shit the gameplay shift and story goes from crazy to batshit insane real quick. I really dig this game and im happy that you enjoy developing it. I do have some questions though, How many Acts do you anticipate there will be in the story and will the War system extend into the Mountain/Outskirt Regions?

I'm really confused as to how this is possible lmao. To get the manor, you have to do the real estate event where you get the Milfs to sell their homes, than you talk to Jessica in the morning, and you should be able to buy her Mansion in the Afternoon on the Weekdays. Also, have you talked to Gramps and got your leads yet? Im also pretty sure the fish girls appear if you buy the Marina but i haven't done it yet

Here you are friend, it was a comment on my initial post for this game after I sunk like 60 hours into the game

Well, He did say when he did finish it, there was gonna be a Sequel made in Unreal 5, which i feel would be pretty groundbreaking. So until than, im excited for the future


Just finished the content, and i must say this holds up to the characterization and world building that Harem Hotel and Corrputed Kingdom has, so basically, you did a phenominal job and im excited for chapter 1. I do have two questions. Are you gonna continue using Soul Eater OST? i feel like it oddly suits the art style and personalities of the characters, and it would be cool hearing Death the Kid's theme during a 2 on 2 fight with Delilah amd Evie fighting some other monsters. Second, can you please not cuck Lucy so much. I feel like the MC is a complete Dick to her and i feel really horrible that he said she wasn't his girlfriend because he folded hard to Ari. Anyways, awesome work and im gonna probably start the Winter Teaser... In May 

Josh, you are not a demon, you are a reddito

I think hit a lot of people's Search algorithm when looking for hentai because a lot of these games, including this one. Are all made with a lot of passion and have such strong story-writing and characterization, that it puts most AAA games today, to shame. 

Yep, welcome to NSFW games. Come for the H scenes, get a crazy good story with awesome characters, You reach the end of the current game and you get the dreaded message "You have completed all content fo version X." God i'm already suffering as a berserk fan, now i have 3 games that im addicted to seeing being finshed.

She gets an Apron later on in the story, and you can get a footjob if you interact with her in the morning, in the kitchen

You have to meet Luna, and than get the perk that gives you money at the end of each day

"Too little space"? What's your storage? 

Harem Hotel by Runey and Hero Harem Guild is peak writing as well. Runey actually plans on making a sequel in Unreal 5, idk if its gonna be the Point and Click visual novel or something different but im excited and he hasn't even finished the first yet

Thats actually pretty common for most NSFW games on this site. They all are very passionate and put most triple A game writing teams to shame.

Why are all of the NSFW game devs so passionate and based.

Man this was an awesome game. I wish this was like an actual RPG because of how cool the concept could be, in that type of game

Do you plan on Harem Hotel 2 to continue where the first game will leave off, or will it be a different cast entirely?