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Hey! I just noticed the kit I have in my clan is paralyzed, and it just reached 6 moons, but won’t at all become anything other than elder. No matter how many times I refresh the game by leaving without saving and trying to reroll a response again, it’s always that they’d rather retire. I think this is a bit unfair and ableist, and that even if they can’t contribute as a warrior, they should still have the ability to atleast become a meditator, or become a apprentice without the ability to go on patrols, such as just helping around camp. It’s just kind of upsetting to see disabled cats being treated with the same ableism as in the books, it’s not fair to force them into retirement the second they are apprenticed. This isn’t a attack btw, I totally understand it’s just some pixels and that it’s not a big deal, i just felt I should share my feedback on this cause I find it sad that the stereotype of disabled people not being helpful is being implemented in a lot of my favorite stuff. :’) love this game though! This won’t stop me from playing, I really like clangen and I’ve been playing for like months, it’s a really fun game and I look forward to any future updates! 


there's actually a setting that prevents cats from retiring because of permanent conditions, and another one that allows retired cats to become mediators. i believe that retired cats with no "titles" still help around the camp as well. one of the kits in my save was born with lower body paralysis and retired as soon as he aged up, but had the description "camp keeper". also, some disabled cats don't retire. iirc i've had cats develop vision impairments or lose a tail/limb and still be able to go on patrols and such. ^w^


Can confirm, I have a cat who was born paralyzed and when he aged up he retired but his description was "Excellent kitsitter" and he ended up becoming mediator. I've also had blind cats, deaf cats, cats with missing limbs/tails, cats with seizures, etc. all be able to go on patrols. I had a deaf leader once too!


THANK YOU!!!! I’m so glad there’s a option to stop this cause it made me so upset that my cat had to retire the second she turned into a apprentice, it’s like her childhood was being taken away which not fit with my storyline that I made at all.