About the Male Bandit it looks like "Kinky CNC" to me.
About the swamp acolyte she is being attacked by feral lizards, its not sexual, is like a lion attack or a dog humping their owner's leg.
About Red Path Logan... well, it is a RED PATH for a reason, the same thing with corruption of the lizard tribe, they are literally turning from HUMANOIDS to FERAL ANIMALS, so their are less sentient.
About Rat King and Tao relationship it also seems Kinky CNC, Tao are clearly pretending to not like his situation.
Ratkins are feral like werewolves and corrupted lizards.
...About Rousk i didn't see that scene...
Booner is the only actually rapey character, but we only know it by second hand info from the guards and we NEVER see it (so may not be true), "him and Everett" and "him and MC" its just rough sex.
If it really bothers you i think you should consider not playing it