Hmm. I would say, you are too young to have any first hand knowledge of this topic. So you would just reurgitate stereotypes and cliches.
Also, there is a lot of wrong information floating around and repeated naivly. Like the blatant lie about a pay gap. What people say and think is, that women get less money for the same work. Wich is the lie. They get same money for same work. That is what unions are for, you can't pay people different. What is true, that a statistical woman earns less than a statistical man, but this is because the statistical version works not only different jobs that get paid different by the hour, but they work different hours as well. And in very high paid jobs where you have to negotiate your salary, well, that is whining of rich people.
I also do not see women rights activists demanding there be more female coal minders.
In western countries it actually is men that are discriminated against in certain circumstances. Everywhere where there is a quota. Men are literally denied the position because of their gender, and that is discrimination. If you have 1000 men and 200 women applying for 100 positions and must fulfill quota of "equal", you have 25% hiring amont the female applicants and only 5% among the men.
Maybe you refer to other ways of discrimination. But again, I think you are too young to have any real knowledge for such a loaded topic. There is prejudice and sexism, but men also face this. Like the common cliche that men are sexist against women ;-)