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(2 edits) (+1)

(I never got very far in the story (never even finished Act 2)).

I'm remembering how much this story hooks me in.  Of course, mind control is a kink of mine, so I enjoy seeing everyone's minds being warped towards the MC. The sex for me isn't really that interesting.

I hope Veronica becomes a close sidekick of the main character. I like her intelligence.

Also, are there slime girls? I like those, too.


I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I hope you get far enough into it to beat Act Two this time around :)

Veronica will be making a return for sure, and slime girls are a possibility but I'm not making any promises. There's already so many girls in the game, especially in Act Three ;P


act three is actually pretty fun even it didn't really have full content like act two. it doesn't matter anyway. the battle system, buildings, character status etc. are truly something i didn't expect in a visual noval based game. it's really amazing. hope to see more in the future and i truly hope this series will never ends.