Thanks for playing! I'm glad I was able to leave a good impression :) If you don't mind sharing - I would be happy to know what gave you an initial idea you wouldn't enjoy it! That could help a lot.
To your questions:
- This is something I thought about, haven't found a proper place for it in UI. There is a selection in the bottom menu, and there is a picture in the right panel with all the details, but I do understand it's not necessarily when the player is looking at that moment. I'll try to make that screen more obvious
- There's nothing in the game that explains it right now. Tutorials/Tooltips are one of the things I'm going to focus on next. Those icons indicate rewards - Extra Loot (Exp), Morale (Extra lives) or Elemental Rewards ("Attuning" an ability or upgrading trinkets). This one is mentioned a lot - I'll look into making reward choices more clear.
Also, I am working with a composer on the music, but the stuff is taking a lot of time. I will definitely introduce something there - it does feel empty without proper soundtrack.
Again, thank you very much! Your feedback was very helpful!