Really cool game ! loved the art & the attack animation is really neat !
The attack system could have used a little more variety but i know it's hard to pull a wide variety of physical attacks in a jam. That's already pretty good for 48h.
Few feedbacks :
-The control scheme is a bit weird for a 2d platformer. Using a key on the keyboard to attack would have been more intuitive, like enter and/or x (The mouse is usually used when you need to aim but here you only attack forward). Same for the jump using up & w to jump would have felt more natural (Space to jump is usually used in 3d game because w or up are used to go forward)
-the slimes on the small platforms were really anoying (you have no space to land before attacking, meaning you inevitably fall and have to re-do the platforming again... and that's if you manage to kill them first try)
-The boss is also very very hard & near impossible to dodge (maybe by design ?) but he look insanely cool though.
All in all, it's very neat looking game for 48h. With a bit more polish on the gameplay & level design it can be very fun.
Good job :)