Thanks for playing! I agree it’s too difficult. I have a few ideas to make it easier, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to change stuff during the game jam judging period.
These are the strategies I’ve figured out so far for aiming:
- Keep Emerald close to the enemy you’re shooting at. If you’re exactly in front of the enemy, you’ll hit it by shooting straight ahead.
- You have a line of 5 crosshairs showing your shot trajectory in 3D space. Figure out which of those crosshairs is at the same “depth” as the target you’re shooting at, and use that one when aiming your shots. You might have to aim between two of the crosshairs if none line up exactly. You can figure out the depth of the crosshairs by seeing if they move in front of the target or behind it, or by looking at the shadows on the ground.
Also, as Emerald flies around the screen, you need to adjust your aim in the opposite direction to stay on target.
Here’s a gif demonstrating a fairly successful fight: