Alternating between playing “in” and “out” cards is such an intuitive concept, I’m surprised I’ve never seen it in a horny deckbuilder before (although maybe I just haven’t played enough of them?). Great work.
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I can’t seem to get this to run. It says it’s missing MSVCR100 and MSVCR110 DLLs, which are apparently MS Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 runtimes. After installing them from the Microsoft website, it still wasn’t finding them, so I tried copying them directly into the application folder. After that, it just says “The application was unable to start correctly”.
Thanks for playing!
Typical passengers have a required attraction threshold somewhere between 700 and 1200, but characters with sex as one of their hobbies only require half as much (350-600). To find passengers with sex as a hobby, look for ones who are touching themselves (the two specific descriptions to look for are are “… is gently stroking her crotch” or “… is tracing a finger around her nipple.”).
Also, characters who are hoping you’ll ask them for sex will be blushing or unable to take their eyes off of you.
Thank you so much for the feedback!
I really wish I could have gotten farther with the combat, but I put it off for too long. I got the basic mechanics working within the first week or so, then focused on the visual novel stuff the rest of the time, until I quickly went back to do sprites for the characters and enemies during the final weekend.
In case you aren’t aware, if you ever upload a game that’s tagged as NSFW, the front page will decide you’re fine with seeing NSFW content, and you will not be able to filter it out anymore (personally I think it’s a very strange feature). Here’s what the message looks like in my settings:
On an account that’s never uploaded something NSFW, you have the option to filter out seeing NSFW stuff, like this:
So it sounds like something FeyPixelSmith uploaded was detected as NSFW, and now itch is automatically showing them NSFW stuff, with no way to turn it off.
I really liked this. The story was solid and impressively fleshed out for a 9-day game jam, and the character designs were good reinterpretations of the original MLP cast. I would have liked to see Sparkz get a little more time to shine, as Spike was always my favorite character in Friendship is Magic.
Mipmaps are a graphical optimization where it will generate the character sprites at multiple resolutions ahead of time and pick the most appropriate one based on the size of the sprite on-screen, instead of drawing the biggest one and then shrinking it down on the fly. It improves graphical quality (nicer antialiasing mostly), but at the cost of more VRAM since it has to keep multiple copies of each sprite handy.
Hey, thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it! I agree that the trade balancing is kind of a mess, I spent about half the jam time limit trying to make the profit calculations make any kid of sense. As or relationship building, at one point, I had it so you had to have at least one “real” item in the trade for it to count for relationship, I probably should have stuck with that.
As for art, two pictures per character was unfortunately all had time for, would definitely have done more if I had time.
In terms of future projects, I’m doing a 30 day game jam in August, and then going back to a visual novel I’ve been putting off. For the game jam, I know basically what the gameplay will be like but not sure exactly what fetishes I’ll work into it. The visual novel has various combinations of cumflation, harem building, and/or vore depending on the choices you make.
Hey, thanks for playing! If you managed to get all 9 scales, I’m curious how long it took you? I was able to do it in 7 days in my own playtesting, but of course I had insider knowledge about all the supply and demand, so it’s hard to know how other people fared.
I definitely would have liked to have more to do than just the trading, but sadly 9 days just isn’t much time to do more than 1 big mechanic.