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A member registered Feb 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was really well written. Thanks for having multiple font options, as the default one was kind of hard to read.

It’s a shame you didn’t have time to get more done, the atmosphere and artstyle are fantastic.

The window is too big to properly fit on my screen though, so the bottom of text seemed to be getting cut off in the intro dialogue.

This is really cool. The puzzles were generally great, although I thought 6 was a bit too long and I did manage to get myself stuck and had to restart in 7.

In the starting room, one of the crates needs to stay where it is until after you can unlock the door. It’s the final crate you will use in the puzzle.

Does that help?

I definitely agree about the crate push speed, I’ve just pushed an update that makes it a lot faster.

Thanks for the feedback! I’ve just pushed out a patch that doubles how fast crates move, hopefully that helps.

Looking for opinions on this: Would you prefer to have player movement follow the grid instead of being free? I feel like it would make it harder to accidentally walk into pits or push crates you didn’t want to move.

I assume you’re playing through your browser? It seems to be a problem with Godot’s built-in tooltips on the web player, they work correctly on the Windows build. I might move that whole sidebar to the left side of the screen to get around the issue.

To summarize the options:

The “batches” option divides the goblins up so that they can’t all recalculate their pathfinding and other complicated job-selection behaviors on the same frame. Higher batch count = better performance. Going too high can potentially cause pathfinding issues.

“Max population” is pretty straightforward, although it doesn’t know how big a goblin’s pregnancy is going to be before giving her permission to get pregnant, so for example you could have a goblin get pregnant with triplets when you’re already 1 away from the limit.

“Safe sex” prevents goblins from having sex if there’s a chance of pregnancy, unless at least one of the goblins participating is marked with “encourage breeding”.

“Shoving” makes goblins push each other away if they’re piled on top of each other. Turn it off if you’re having framerate issues, as the collision detection has some overhead.

They can’t pick fruit, that’s correct. Gotta wait for it to fall or chop down trees.

Keep in mind that digestion efficiency is a trait that can be evolved over time though, so having your less efficient goblins die of starvation can strengthen the hive in the long run.

Is it not adjustable? On Windows I’m able to stretch it to any size.

Alright, it’s up there! I don’t know anything about running software on Macs other than a general idea that they’re super locked down. Here’s an official guide I found in the Godot documentation for getting it to run: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/export/running_on_macos.html#doc-running-on-macos

I can try doing a mac export using the default preset in Godot, but I don’t have any apple devices to test it on, and I don’t have an apple developer ID to digitally sign the app with.

encourage breeding and safe sex: yes, that’s the intended behavior. at least one person in the pair has to have encourage breeding enabled. They do try to pair up with another “encourage breeding” if possible, but it’s hard to force since one might find the other ugly or something.

i would suggest not trying to go for submission genes right away, try waiting until you have a few dozen goblins, then turn on “safe sex” and encourage breeding for your most submissive goblins. after a few generations i find i can pretty reliably get goblins who are submissive enough.

I did intend to do art for the vore but I put it off and then got sick for a week, and i didn’t want to delay the update. Might get to it in the future, but I’m not sure how much more energy I have for this project. I also wanted to do big bellies for pregnancy and vore, but I gotta figure out how to handle the drawing order of large bellies, large penises, and large breasts so that they don’t overlap oddly. it was hard enough with just breasts and penises.

as for the animation and navigation issues you’re describing, i don’t think i’ve seen that happening on my machine. it’s possible that there’s some concurrency bug happening with the navmesh recalculations, although i thought i sorted all those issues. usually if a goblin is stopped in place it’s because they’ve decided to have sex (or vore or drink milk) and they’re waiting for their partner to be ready. you can see what their current job is in the goblindex. What batch setting were you using? Something could be going weird if it’s too big.

No, sorry! I think it’s gonna be really hard to implement.

The art is gorgeous. I always love your character designs, Impy.

Genuinely fantastic. Love the art, love the characters. Final level felt a bit long.

Love the art style, definitely got fatigued by typing so much.

Great job!

This is an obscure reference, but the music reminds me of the Lucky Luke game for the gameboy color.

Update on the difficulty everyone has been having breeding for the submissiveness gene: I just noticed that I accidentally left it off the list of genes that were candidates for mutation. That means it’s impossible for goblins with no existing copies of the gene to spontaneously generate it (although it still should still be possible for goblins who already have it to generate extra copies).

This bug will be fixed in the post-judging patch.

The breeding-encouragement rules basically mean “when you’re picking someone to have sex with, choose someone who isn’t pregnant already”. You can’t ban goblins from breeding or anything, that felt like it was leaning a bit too far toward eugenics.

There’s a lot of UI improvements coming in the next couple weeks, I’ll see about adding an option to automatically enable breeding encouragement for goblins with certain stats.

At the very least I do have a big set of UI improvements coming after the judging period, but I am not sure how long I will keep working on it after that.

It’s a simplified and stylized model based on real genetics, where each goblin has a genome made of pairs of genes. Each parent contributes one gene from each pair, chosen at random, to their child. If the parents don’t have the same genome lengths, the child gets “Null Genes” in the leftover slots.

After the genes are contributed, the child goes through random mutations. For each gene pair, there’s a 1% chance it will be duplicated or deleted. For each individual gene, there’s a 1% chance it will become a different type of gene at random.

Each type of gene adds a bonus to a particular stat.

Regarding dominance/submission, dominance is the default, and you have to breed for the submissive gene. However, it’s very hard to breed for because of natural evolutionary pressure. A submissive goblin gets topped a lot by other goblins, so she’s always sexually satisfied, and so she’s never in the mood to go impregnate other goblins. Not an efficient reproductive strategy.

The next version of the game (in two weeks, after the jam ratings are over) will mitigate this by making it so goblins you mark with “encourage breeding” will refuse to be topped if they’re already pregnant.

Hey, thanks for playing, glad you liked it!

Dying of exhaustion when there are beds available is a bug actually. The way the logic is supposed to work is that they get one last chance to assign themselves a job to eat or sleep when they’re on the brink of death, and they only die if there’s no such job possible. But I just checked my code, and I messed up the one for sleeping. That’ll be fixed in a patch after the jam.

As for dying of starvation when there’s food available, that’s likely because all the food on the ground was already reserved for hauling to barrels by other goblins, and all the barrels were reserved by goblins planning to haul food to them. Barrels can be shared by multiple users, but the headcount limit logic is a little dumb, and is something I can improve.

Just uploaded a bug fix for sprite layer ordering between a medium-sized erect penis and medium-sized breasts.

Just uploaded a bug fix for an issue where goblin descriptions would go blank once they had 3 or more children.

Fun writing, a solid little VN. I really like that design for Toriel.

In the “explore the underground” part, it’s too easy to wind up getting the same encounter over and over. I gave up after seeing whimsum 3 times in a row and never encountered the froggit from the screenshots.

Have you specified Kind of Project: HTML?


(1 edit)

You can cheat by holding shift and pressing ~ on your keyboard, which adds a “cheat stats” button to your bottom menu bar.

Here’s the fastest way to get all the passengers nude:

  1. press the “cheat stats” button until your stats are at around 31. This is enough that passengers should always accept your request to have sex with them.
  2. Request sex with several different passengers, I think 2 should be enough but 3-4 is safer.
  3. Go to your room and sleep until the last day of the cruise, then press the wait button repeatedly until the cruise ends.
  4. After the cruise, you’ll earn a VIP point. Spend it on the the option “Feedback: passengers dress too conservatively.”
  5. Start a new cruise, go to step 2.

Passenger nudity becomes allowed after giving feedback 3 times. It becomes mandatory after 5 times.

Hey, thanks for playing and thanks for the review! I’m glad you liked it. There’s a lot more stuff I’d like to add to this, it was really fun to work on.

Hi, I don’t really have plans for something like that at the moment, but if you’re looking for something with nude characters, my game Ultimate Pleasure Cruise is a sandbox dating sim set on a cruise ship with 99 other passengers. At the start of the game the characters are fully clothed, but as you play you unlock the ability to change the ship’s dress code. It takes a long time to get there but eventually you can make a rule that it’s a fully-nude cruise.

Great art, fun concept! I had a little trouble figuring out which way I was supposed to be running in the second half, which resulted in quite a few retries.

Not currently, sorry! Ran out of time for the game jam.

Thank you for the feedback! I’m glad you liked it, and I agree with pretty much everything you’re suggesting here.

Are you on a mac? I already have these features enabled on the itch.io project page, but it looks like it doesn’t work correctly on mac or ios yet: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/export/exporting_for_web.html

Not currently, and I’m not sure what kind of content I’ll be adding in the future yet.

This is delightfully creative and extremely well executed. I love everything about it. Well done!

FYI I have added an “easier combat” option to the game since the original publishing deadline. It should make the fighting much more manageable.

Thanks for the feedback! I’ve added an “easier combat” option to the title screen, which makes aiming much easier and reduces enemy health.

I’ve added an “easier combat” option on the title screen.

Thanks for playing! I agree it’s too difficult. I have a few ideas to make it easier, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to change stuff during the game jam judging period.

These are the strategies I’ve figured out so far for aiming:

  1. Keep Emerald close to the enemy you’re shooting at. If you’re exactly in front of the enemy, you’ll hit it by shooting straight ahead.
  2. You have a line of 5 crosshairs showing your shot trajectory in 3D space. Figure out which of those crosshairs is at the same “depth” as the target you’re shooting at, and use that one when aiming your shots. You might have to aim between two of the crosshairs if none line up exactly. You can figure out the depth of the crosshairs by seeing if they move in front of the target or behind it, or by looking at the shadows on the ground.

Also, as Emerald flies around the screen, you need to adjust your aim in the opposite direction to stay on target.

Here’s a gif demonstrating a fairly successful fight: