This triggers a part of my old school UT99 nostalgia in a good way, but I think it is ultimately held back by a number of small problems. My unfamiliarity with CS wall surfing likely impacted my enjoyment of this, since it feels like a big part of the appeal. Here are some things I think could be refined:
- The bullet projectiles are very small and dark. When shooting at the enemies or in front of the starry skybox, I couldn't tell if I had even shot a bullet. Adding some kind of contrast between the two would help. Making the bullets lighter, adding sound for firing and impact, or having particle effects for shooting and impact would go a long way with clarity. A simple gun animation for recoil would help, too.
- Adding sound for movement would help make things feel less floaty. Footsteps, landing, or even a bit of weapon sway and bob would go a long way.
- I don't have experience with CS wall surfing but I would have liked more feedback for when the player is attached to a wall surface. I'm thinking of what modern games like Titanfall or Mirror's Edge do with wallrunning parkour where they rotate the player camera slightly to communicate that player to world interaction.
Hopefully these suggestions can help strengthen and improve your game if you plan to refine it further! Congrats on game!