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(2 edits) (+1)

Day 1

Today was about scaffolding the underlying components I’ll need to implement game logic. Here’s what got done:

  • P8SCII text renderer
  • State systems; one for the menus and another for the game itself
  • Actors object; consistent accessor for all actors
  • Weapons object; probably incomplete, but was enough to spray bullets from the player ship
  • Sprite handler with hitbox configuration and collision detection.
    • Collisions check whether the distance between the midpoints of the two boxes is greater than the sum of the half-box widths (ikr)
    • The advantage of this technique is hitboxes are relative to the sprite, and each collision check is very fast. Advantageous for pico-8’s constrained resources.
  • Multi-controller bitwise interface; returns dx/dy as -1,0,1 that maps directly to movement vectors.
  • Simple implementation of normalised movement vectors when travelling diagonally
  • Pixel clamping when changing direction to prevent stair-casing
  • Music dispatcher, which reserves 2 channels for SFX
  • SFX channel dispatcher, which allocates as many SFX as there are available audio channels
  • Fallback to older PICO-8 sys calls (when old PICO-8 is used) and (hopefully) support for fake-08
  • Particle system for debris, shock waves and explosions
  • uint32 support for player scores; 10 digit hiscores anyone?
  • Player “HUD”; score, HP meter and generator level
  • Player shields
  • Fake reactive parallax starfield with hyperspeed effect
  • MVP gameplay; shoot non-firing aliens and avoid asteroids.

Chasing fake-08 compatibility is ongoing, and this is my main learning for making projects in PICO-8. Make sure you have a current version fake-08 device available. I don’t, so I am relying on friends to provide feedback. Antsy Alien Attack Pico now runs on fake-08, it crashed yesterday. But some text rendering is not legible. If I use PICO-8 for a jam in the future, I will ensure I have my own fake-08 device available.

And what does it look like? Here’s the current state of things with some debug and hitboxes enabled for testing.

A longer clip is available on Imgur: