Yesterday we released 0.1.1 of our LÖVE Game Development & Automated Build System 🚀
New in this release:
- Added lua-https support built in to LÖVE 11.5 by default
- Added SteamOS DevKit integration
- Added Windows Installer, built using NSIS
- Improved Code and Codium developer tooling
- Fixed game titles with spaces in the name
- Cleaned up the example “game” and documented how to use our Performance Metrics overlay.
Thank you to everyone who tested our tooling early and provided feedback and improvements!
✨ As a bonus, we’ve just released our Publish to ️🕹️ with Butler 🎩 GitHub Action for anyone who doesn’t need a comprehensive build pipeline 👷
Wishing you all a LÖVEly Jam from the team at Oval Tutu 🩰