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i sincerely hope things are okay with agashi. it is incredibly worrisome that she has just dropped off the face of the earth especially since there hasn't been any kind of update to indicate anything was wrong. however, it would be nice for some kind of communication from either her or somebody she trusts so that both the kickstarter backers and people here are aware of what's happening. even if it was a message to say that life happened and the game is on hiatus, then at least we'd know.

for me its the whole not knowing that is so frustrating. i do not know if i should be waiting for a finished product or if i should be cutting my losses and assuming we're never getting the game. i'm a kickstarter backer so i've invested a decent amount of money into the game and i would like nothing more than for her to a) be okay and b) complete the game that we're all waiting for.