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Deleted 205 days ago
(2 edits) (+2)(-2)

(Context: this user has been spamming similar comments on my posts and games)

This is islamophobia. 

I have not treated any person with disrespect or harm. This individual (and these people) cannot produce a single evidence of me mistreating anyone. But because of the laws of my country (Pakistan) and my religion (Islam) says public LGBTQ activity is illegal. They have been relentlessly attacking me, and harassing me. And saying these absurd things.

All to get attention, claim fake-victimhood, and manipulate people's emotions into supporting them. 

Instead of responding to these people, I made a game on this subject. (Click here) To explain their tactic and their attacks to everyone. That they have subjected me to constantly for a month. 


It is interesting how you claim that he is stealing something when he goes to so much effort to reference where he gets his plugins and models from.

You don't believe in showing proof to people. Spamming something that anyone can say without backing it up is sus and I mean really sus. Provide proof if you are so sure.

Deleted 205 days ago

I read all three of your posts and I don't see proof of your claims. He didn't say he agrees with genocide. He was talking about how thought processes develop in groups.

In regards to Honey Select 2, he didn't say he took a screenshot of something random. He said that it was a feature of the program which doesn't imply any illegality occurring.

Why would he be so open about theft, especially that he references everything that he uses?


The point that SigmaSuccour made about the game being modded is one point where it of course is not good for him to be using that; however, I am curious as to the circumstances as I have seen that there is a plugin for taking screenshots.

Now if this feature is an official plugin, it is important to note whether these characters can be used. Another note is that SigmaSuccour doesn't monetise his games and people can choose to donate to him which also could impact how that works.

If he is proven to be doing wrong in these departments, then yes he should amend these areas; however, if people are just attacking him and not discussing these matters with him, then how can people know the circumstances properly?