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this game is so cool! the oppressive atmosphere is really immersing, sound design and vfx interaction really pays off here. the story, and the way it’s told, are very compelling, i’m very invested in finding out what has happened to this world. bio-Synthetica reminds me of the game Lone Survivor in the way it juxtaposes high-fidelity audio with impressionistic pixel art to sort of coax the player into “filling the blanks” by imagining horrific things.

not to say that the combat is bad, but exploration mode is a way more polished experience. combat is fun (and i am a big fan of RPG combat in general), but i do have a hard time imagining how the integrated experience will work without breaking some of the immersion of pure exploration mode. i’d be happy to be proven wrong here!

playing on keyboard, the controls aren’t bad but maybe a little finnicky. in combat, having to press left/right to select enemies that were arranged vertically was a little weird, and i found myself wanting a little more control over documents and audio: specifically, i wanted to page back and forth through documents, and i wanted to be able to stop audio.

i thought the voice acted notes added a lot to the atmosphere, with the exception of the son’s scared voicemail left for his mother which sounded very forced and fake to me (no disrespect intended to the voice actor).

overall this was super fun, extremely well-polished, outstanding atmosphere, interesting combat system. i’m certainly looking forward to a full release~


I'm honored to have you try my game. Gulch Guardian's is a gem of a game, so thank you for trying out my demo. To address a few things below...

1. I really focused on atmosphere: sound design, lighting, timing of animations, etc. Glad I accomplished this.

2. Combat is definitely something I want in my game, and once you unlock it... it'll be more common. I think my opening just throws people off, so I need to work on introducing combat sooner but not take away that opening "mystery/atmosphere"... I plan to go back and forth with combat, exploration, atmosphere, etc. My motivation behind this is games like Last of Us. You have those moments of exploration and peace... but then you battle/fight some. I just need to find a way to really balance that... or have it make sense. I'm working on this part, though.

3. I actually plan to get a script made where you can press left/right OR up/down... plus a setting to reverse these, as well. Hopefully that'll give players more options and make enemy selection easier. As for documents. Not sure if I have to way to go back... or that would require more scripting. I could always add it. However, you can review all documents again by visiting the Database via the Ring Menu. I can look into going back pages for certain documents, though.

Thanks again for playing! Good luck with your game, as well! Really enjoyed it!