lieutenant will be back in the full game i promise!!
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sorry i missed this, i try to keep my friends list to irl and coworkers only but i’m always around in the gulch guardians discord!!
death stranding and FTL especially were top of mind for me while i was working on this. also found myself thinking a lot about a game called “Tradewinds” that came preinstalled on a palm pilot i got from my uncle after he didn’t want it anymore in 2005. also backpack hero, disco elysium and luck be a landlord
hey sorry for the delay!! busy week.
i put the soundtrack up on soundcloud for you: – enjoy! i’m glad you like my music!!
awww thank you so much i’m glad you enjoy it!! sorry that you lost your progress 😅 that’s a great idea, i’m definitely going to add a “resume game” feature at some point (not sure when… it is a lot of work) — but sometimes with the way web browsers work, when you reload the tab all progress will be lost no matter what the game developer does 😞 so i always recommend if you want your data to persist between plays that you should try using the downloaded version just to be safe. thanks again and hopefully i’ll have that resume game feature for you soon!!
this game is so cool! the oppressive atmosphere is really immersing, sound design and vfx interaction really pays off here. the story, and the way it’s told, are very compelling, i’m very invested in finding out what has happened to this world. bio-Synthetica reminds me of the game Lone Survivor in the way it juxtaposes high-fidelity audio with impressionistic pixel art to sort of coax the player into “filling the blanks” by imagining horrific things.
not to say that the combat is bad, but exploration mode is a way more polished experience. combat is fun (and i am a big fan of RPG combat in general), but i do have a hard time imagining how the integrated experience will work without breaking some of the immersion of pure exploration mode. i’d be happy to be proven wrong here!
playing on keyboard, the controls aren’t bad but maybe a little finnicky. in combat, having to press left/right to select enemies that were arranged vertically was a little weird, and i found myself wanting a little more control over documents and audio: specifically, i wanted to page back and forth through documents, and i wanted to be able to stop audio.
i thought the voice acted notes added a lot to the atmosphere, with the exception of the son’s scared voicemail left for his mother which sounded very forced and fake to me (no disrespect intended to the voice actor).
overall this was super fun, extremely well-polished, outstanding atmosphere, interesting combat system. i’m certainly looking forward to a full release~
this game is really interesting! i played about 45 minutes of it.
i love this mash-up of genres. the puzzles are really well-done, with satisfying solutions. they have that great quality of good puzzles where they seem straightforward, and then you realize the challenge, and then once you figure out the solution it seems straightforward again.
the art and music are lovely, they come together to create a mystic dungeon atmosphere and a world i want to explore.
personally i was not a huge fan of the timing puzzles, though that’s more a personal preference than anything else. in particular, once i had completed a room and was moving through it just to get to a different place, having to wait for the right timing was kind of annoying since i had already gotten through the room.
also, sometimes the interactive elements weren’t obvious to me. for instance, after unlocking the sword, i didn’t realize that one had appeared on the level.
overall though, this was a really enjoyable game and i’d like to see more!
JoacoC this game is so hard XDDD!!! i don’t think i’ll be able to give useful feedback because i’m honestly terrible at platformers, especially high-difficulty ones like these!
- i did like the guides, they were a really helpful introduction to the different rules and techniques needed to play the game
- the elements (diamonds) were very clear, i appreciate that in a game like this where one wrong move ruins the run. if you ever decide to add more representational art in the future (like grass or something) i feel like you should keep the color scheme the same since it works really well to convey which things are which.
- this is just personal preference but i always love when games have a tiny bit of context. not a whole story or anything, just a little something for my mind to hold onto so the game isn’t completely abstract (“what is waythed” or “who is this little reverse-gravity eye”?).
- i really liked the classical music! it was a great pairing with a difficultycore platformer, keeps you calm when you miss a jump and you want to tear your hair out XD – it’s also funny, it has kind of a mocking tone, similar to getting over it