😭 ohhh noooo that meme destroyed us so badly buhuhu 😭😭😭
made you use itch heheh
buhuhuuuuuuu how sad 😭
Doctor, I think he needs his happysauce. He's using itch again.
lol, head on back to gey lund
Are u undercover? I can't see u in squads.
I jump in and play a couple and then jump back out under another name yea
bro you talk in a game comment section tf you mean "worldwide" community
bro bro
bro internet connects people from around the world bro bro
ok, it connects people from around the world, but itch isnt a community, its a COMMENT SECTION
Cant have a 3 year old comment section still active without a COMMUNITY
comment section turned community ig
damn bro i am gonna cry so badly because i saw this boohoo
bro bro bro bro bro