can u speak smth of yo own and stop copying twitter users.
pov: ur in an argument and ur DC/NU Jester: "Keep crying about it" "We don't want to know about you (self-portraying) "Didn't Ask + Don't Care" "If you reply, you lose the argument"
u inbred bozo shut up look at yo face u ugly as hell bitch. ur grandma saw yo face at 3 am and got a fuckin panic attack like literally bozo stfu u inbred mf u dont even have a profile pic cos u know u gon get roasted for ur fucked up choices just kys.
U think I get hurt by ur trash comebacks? Nah, def not, I vomit on them, I pity them. The only reason ur still replying is bcuz ur the one who is deeply hurt, now, don’t cry, it makes me pity u more.
ok so this bozo named "Jester" who cannot find a profile picture and comebacks is telling me that replying to him means crying. I mean yea bozo thats why your family left you homeless cos they knew you had some kind of unknown mental illness. and btw get well soon.