Hello, before I get into the detailed review here's my video on the game if you want to see my VOD:
We have to go deeper to escape a Hostile Planet - Dross Demo-Gameplay - FeedbackQuest4 - YouTube
Now I want to point out that I made this video before your update, so it's slightly outdated. And I had the mindset of "testing" a game instead of "enjoying it" if you know what I mean. lol
I understand that the game is in Alpha, so of, course it won't be a complete game just yet.
During the video, I found a few exploits & bugs with collisions & physics, I was able to get behind things or use the environment to fly up to somewhere I wasn't supposed to be.
The block/parry, I kept mistaking it for some melee attack at first. It just sounds & looks like an attack & not some block.
The reason I accidently threw so many grenades at first, was because gamer habits had me think "right click" = aim-down-sights & not throw grenades. But how the game was designed, something like ads would only destroy the game. So, I'm pleased that ads were not a thing for such a game.
I found the incendiary grenade really cool, a was expecting a generic "Molotov" but instead it was something for driving away the Xenos from that location & kill the ones that didn't move away. I was just confused at why I had every grenade waiting to be picked up before level 1, except the stun grenade. Thinking now, I'm not even sure if they were any grenades, lol. But that might just be my poor perception.
During my video, I did not use the best of tactics meant for the game. I forgot all about the map, & I was not being quiet at all. This is all on me, but something about the game didn't really feel like I was going quiet. Possibly because of the music.
Most of the sounds, did not sound "good". But since this is in Alpha, I let it slide. But I want to mention about the importance of variety in sounds, even if you are playing the exact same audio, changing it each time it plays by a very small amount like the pan, speed, pitch, etc. It makes it less likely to make ears tired because there is variety. The blocking, stun grenade, & healing sounds were the most noticeable sounds that hurt my ears. The healing sound sounded like it was playing several "healing sound" on top of each other & thus it sounded horrible.
The PS4 controls were not easy for me, but that is because I'm a Keyboard-Mouse shooter. But the reason why I used the PS4 controller at first was because the PC controls felt weird at first? There was nothing really wrong with it, it was just my mouse sensitivity was all over the place & it was difficult to get it to work (restarting the game fixed this completely though). But as I mentioned in the video, my mouse wheel is broken so I was unable to switch grenades the way I was supposed to. I recommend in the future to add key-bindings but that is not necessary in the games current stage. I would say that with the controls, everything was natural, if I thought a key did something it did so in game. Same with the PS4 controls, it did everything as expected. So, there was very little need for me to "learn the controls" so I'll complement on that achievement.
The core mechanics of the game are fun, but I can't fully enjoy it in this current stage, but I see the potential. So, you succeeded in putting this in my watchlist.
So, there was a lack of animations, but that is fine in the alpha stage. The game lacks polish but that is to be expected in this stage. So overall the game was fun enough for me to want to play the full game, but not good enough for me to fully enjoy it just yet.
So, thank you for reading my review I hope it was useful to you in some way.