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Good stuff. The debt was paid off I think since I accumulated about $30000, but did not wait till the end of the month to see what happens. Very cool concept and the graphics look good. Some small issues I found:

  • The water cooler cannot be placed after you buy it.
  • Sometimes when you combine two desks, the dust storm keeps on going forever with the sound looping until you pick another desk and place it on top of it.

  • Later on when the office is crowded, it becomes really hard to click on desks to combine them since the employees keep blocking mouse clicks.

A nice little fun game overall for a mini jam. Well done.

Thank you for your feedback! I will try to fix these bugs. Glad you still liked it

also aerial301, how long did it take you to get $10,000+ ?


Sorry just saw your replay =D  If I remember correctly it was just around 10 minutes when the cash text turned green.


Thanks :)