1. I had a great time playing your game. I'm not a huge fan of puzzles, but you made Tetris fun for me. I love how you tied in combat to solving these puzzles... plus the annoying (but in a good way) spells the enemy would cast. Blackout was a pain, but I loved it LOL
1. This is the best part. Unique artwork, nice tile animations, and maps are decorated nicely. There's never too much going on. They look great!
2. Character artwork, portraits, and sprites look fantastic.
3. Item and card artwork is nicely done!
1. Great tutorial. Easy to follow and understand.
2. Controls during exploration and puzzles were fluid.
3. I Love the UI for box maps and puzzle battles!
1. Great music and sound effects during puzzles and exploration. Well done.
2. There were never moments when the audio felt too high/low. It was well-balanced.