As usual, I really enjoyed the update, especially the moments with Marruk which particularly caught my attention.
I found it surprising that the crew decided to modify the MC's phone without being told. After all, it's one of the only earthly objects he still has on him. And I think Tyr and Marrow could have at least asked his opinion before changing it. Thus, I suspect them of having installed a kind of camera on it which would allow them to constantly monitor the MC, to analyze his reactions when he is alone, etc... I must admit that I am very suspicious of this modification of the phone. ^^
That said, it seems to please the MC. I just hope for him that he won't regret the old version of his phone.
I really appreciate the addition of the jukebox. I particularly like "Orbit" which I consider to be the main theme of the game.
The meeting with the captain promises to be interesting to say the least. I look forward to the next update!