I love the game! Can't say I love many, but this one is great! I like the designs, characters, as well as the setup. It's interesting and I'd love to see more that causes the mc to question things, and ultimately the player too. Going for loops is great for this type of game, and I'd look forward for more.
However, two small gripes I have. While I muted the voices, only because hearing the mc talk threw me off (I had already turned down the settings b4 playing)- I wasn't expecting it to still be so loud). Another thing, someone also mentioned but having the mc speak is a bit conflicting if we're essentially them, and not like a Yui from DL situation where we play as an already defined character. As for two, I am not too sure if I had actually completed said demo- it cancels out every now and then and sends me to the loading screen. If not only this, but it would also throw me to the main screen without much of an implication.
All in all, I like where this is going, and the character we play as is realistic in a sense, as for the guy- appreciate he's calm even if it's a tad suspect.
anywaysss, thank you making this can't wait to see where this project goes <33