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(4 edits) (+1)

Great work on creating your own characters! That's quite an achievement.

Cool to see the combat mechanics implemented. I also made a fight game and wanted to make an alternative attack and block, but didn't have enough time for it.

Secret Tip to owning all the knights easy - hold space bar (block) while attacking - immune while you attack!

Awesome job on creating and finishing a game!

Thanks a lot for your words! I really appreciate it (also i will play your game when i get a bit of free time, i saw the preview videos it seems amazing!)
You spotted a nice bug there, i (and it seems no one else that did leave a comment here) didn't noticed that holding Block made immune ahahahah it will be fixed in the next release
 A update is planned and it will have an outdoor zone, NPC with dialogue boxes, A LOT bigger dungeon, a real Boss and other things, it will also have all the proper sounds (and probably a new background music), just need to do the finishing touches (and find some free time from work lol) and i will upload the updated builds.
I hope you will try it when i get the time to release it! (hopefully without bugs this time ahahaha)


Ye, these issues can be easy to miss! That's why you have some play testers here.

I recognize the problem with time and wanting to do a lot features!

I had more plans for my project as well. I will probably return at a later time with some extra additions. There's always something more to learn and do.

Gamejams really show that you have to prioritize what you want to do.

Best of luck and have fun on your journey!