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A member registered Mar 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot for your words! I really appreciate it and i'm happy you did enjoy the game
Is normal to lose more than 1 heart when you are hit, the more near you are to the enemy the more damage you will take, you can even be one-shooted if you are basically face to face with the enemy, is a reminder to the player that a sword fight should always be playied at the proper distance using blocks (to spot the enemy openings during his cooldown) or parry 

Thanks a lot for your words! I really appreciate it and i'm happy you did enjoy the game
Yeah the first play is traumatic for everyone ahahahah

Thanks a lot for your kind words! I really appreciate it and i'm happy you did enjoy the game

Thanks a lot for your words! I really appreciate it and i'm happy you did enjoy the game

Yeah sadly Safari doesn’t fully support WebGL2 and WebAssembly, but you can make the Native Mac version doing this command in the terminal:

chmod +x Merian.app/Contents/MacOS/*

(where i did write Merian you have to write the full game name or just press Tab for autocompletation in the terminal)

I hope this fixes the issue, let me know!

I really enjoyied your game, it is really fun! Also i loved the idea of using GB Studio is the first game i see in this jam to use it, the retro feel of old GB games is unmatched!
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

Yeah sure, thank you!

Thanks a lot to have playied my game i really appreciate it.
Also yeah retrowave is underrated, i thought to do something with that theme too but my idea was not something i could pull of in the jam-time sadly.
Good job again anyway the game really is fun!

You can try the native version! Also if you play the game on Chrome it works correctly

I really enjoyied your game, it is damn chill! I also really liked the tron-like aesthetic
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

I really enjoyied your game! (Also the Lego Knight is super cool lol)
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

I really enjoyied your game! Also I really liked the asesthetics and pixel art!
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

I really enjoyied your game, it is damn fun!!! I wanted to do a bigger dungeon like yours it is really well structured, the aesthetics and mechanics are also really nice
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

I really enjoyied your game, it is really fun! And it fits the theme nicely, i also really liked the aesthetics and the pixel art a lot
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

I really enjoyied your game! And it fits the theme nicely, the aesthetics is also really cool
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

I really enjoyied your game, it is really fun! And it fits the theme nicely, i also liked a lot the aesthetics and pixel art of your game
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

I really enjoyied your game, it is really fun (and i'm a huge fan of Retrowave/vaporwave)!!! The controls are nice and the concept of "sci-fi" pizza delivery is damn cool!
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

I really enjoyied your game, it is really fun! And it fits the theme nicely, it is also a lot unforgiving lol (i lost many times at the start)
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

I really enjoyied your game, it is damn fun!!! Also the aiming system is really cool and the fact you did even add a cutscene is amazing!
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

I really enjoyied your game it is damn fun!! Also the aesthetics is really cool, is the first old style 2.5D Fps like the old good Wolfestain 3D and Doom i see in this Jam i damn liked it!
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

I really enjoyied your game, it is really fun! Also the aesthetics is really cool, i really liked the UI and the pixel art in general, and the puzzle-idea is a lot different from all the other games in the jam (including mine lol)!
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

I really enjoyied your game! Also the aesthetics is really cool, i really liked the UI and the pixel art in general!
Good Job!!
Also if you want i would really appreciate if you would play and rate my game too

Thanks a lot for your feedback! I really appreciate it and i'm happy you did enjoy the game
Yeah the "slide" during charging attack is volountary i wanted to make the player move during that attack since the animation is rotating (sadly we couldn't make/find a better aniamtion to justify the movment).
For the camera yeah i have to tune a bit the collision detection in the script i didn't use cinemachine a made a custom script for it.
For the red knight they don't pass through wall but trhough the opening between columns i made this becasue during the test since we were running out of time i didn't manage to make a better pathfinding for enemies. so they ran at the wall, so i made them walk throught the openings 

Thanks a lot for your words! I really appreciate it and i'm happy you did enjoy the game
Yeah we had to rush a bit at the end we worked on this only 5 days and 1-2 hours day so we had less than half-time of the jam
But with the next update that will also have an outdoor zone, NPC with dialogue boxes, A LOT bigger dungeon, a real Boss and other things, it will also have all the proper sounds (and probably a new background music), just need to do the finishing touches (and find some free time from work lol) and i will upload the updated builds.

The combo works best done the other way around, Light Attack then Charged Attack it is a lot smoother and will make you defeat the enemy instantly!

Thanks a lot for your words! I really appreciate it and i'm happy you enjoyed the game
Yes! Parry definitively is the way to go to win the game
Yeah many asked for SoundFX to give some more weight/feedback to the actions in-game, with the next update that will also have an outdoor zone, NPC with dialogue boxes, A LOT bigger dungeon, a real Boss and other things, it will also have all the proper sounds (and probably a new background music), just need to do the finishing touches (and find some free time from work lol) and i will upload the updated builds.

Thanks a lot for your wordsI really appreciate it and i'm happy that you enjoyed the game
The next updates will polish the game more adding also an outdoor zone, A LOT bigger dungeon, sounds and other stuff! Most of these things are already done just need finishing touches (and some free time from work lol)

Thanks a lot for your feedback I really appreciate it and i'm happy that you enjoyed the game

Thanks a lot for your feedback I really appreciate it and i'm happy that you enjoyed the game
Yeah in the next updates which will feature also an outdoor zone, A LOT bigger dungeon, sounds etc i will also tune a bit the enemies speed

Thanks a lot for your kind words! I really appreciate it and i'm happy that you enjoyed the game

Thanks a lot for your kind words! I really appreciate it and i'm happy that you enjoyed the game
Also if you find the game hard i suggest to try to focus more on parry/block it makes the game way easier since i wanted the player to be a bit more strategic rather than share damage with enemies (that's why more near you are to the enemy more damage you will take)

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot for your kind words! I'm really happy that you enjoyed the game
That's really strange for the music not working at first launch it never happned during the tests, i may suspect that unity didn't give the game the "main window" so Windows didn't recognize it like the actual window (like when you alt-tab to be clear).
Yeah the Red Knight are in fact the "Boss" so are the ones only needed to actually finish the game

Interesting game! Is one of the most unique i found in this jam to be honest, in it's "semplicity" it is a lot different from the other submission (including mine lol), i did really enjoy it!
Good job!

(3 edits)

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it and i'm glad you enjoyed the game
For the parry i suggest to try to hold down Block when you see that the enemies attack animation is starting!
For the game not working in Chrome it's really strange, a lot of people had a lot of bugs on Firefox (probably for bad support for WebGL2 and WebAssembly)

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot! I'm really happy that you enoyed the game
Yeah many asked for SoundFX to give some more weight/feedback to the actions in-game, with the next update that will also have an outdoor zone, NPC with dialogue boxes, A LOT bigger dungeon, a real Boss and other things, it will also have all the proper sounds (and probably a new background music), just need to do the finishing touches (and find some free time from work lol) and i will upload the updated builds.
Also if you find the game hard i suggest to try to focus more on parry/block it makes the game way easier since i wanted the player to be a bit more strategic rather than share damage with enemies (that's why more near you are to the enemy more damage you will take)

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it and i'm glad you enjoyed the game
Yes Dark Souls was the main inspiration for sure ahahah i'm thinking about to add the roll animation in the next update that will also have an outdoor zone, A LOT bigger dungeon, Sounds for actions, new music and a bunch of other stuff (most of which are already done i just need some free time from works to do the finishing touches)

The game is really fun! I really enjoyed the level design
Good job!

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it and i'm glad you enjoyed the game
Yes in fact i did at the start a "true attack" frames, but i decided to delete it at the end because in fact this doesn't happen when you fight the enemy at the proper distance it made the fight more like a real sword fight where even a sword that is getting back after an attack can damage you, during the test to me it seemed a better way to let the player focus on parry and blocking mechanic instahead of getting the damage and then punish the enemy during the cooldown between attacks.
Much like a real souls like-where some attacks can perpetually damage you if you don't block them or parry them, not giving you "a single hit, for a single attack".

Also yes i will play your game right now!

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it and i'm glad you enjoyed the game

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it and i'm glad you enjoyed the game

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it and i'm glad you enjoyed the game