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Dear AntiCebo

The issue has been fixed, and a new version uploaded! We are terribly sorry you encountered this problem, and thank you for bringing it to our attention.

Please consider downloading again, and giving our game a second chance (if possible rate our game again). The game has 4 total levels, if you liked what you saw so far, I am confident you will be impressed by what is to come!



How were you able to upload a fix for your project? I was told we weren't allowed to update our submissions until after voting had ended?

(1 edit)

If push comes to shove we can always revert. But I wouldn’t get too caught up on a small bug fix like that. (We appreciate the concern however we’ll see how things go)

Thank you The Great Pleb

Agreed, I doubt our host will have a problem with people who submitted on time doing simple bug fixes, since he openly allows people to submit their games late.


Hello Un-Kemp-t

Your concern is very understandable, please allow me to explain.

Our game is 2.1 GB, too big to be uploaded to, so I uploaded it to a Google Drive and shared it as a download link. The game has a system where AI enemies spawn in rooms the player cannot access, and walk out to fight the player. As brought to my attention by AntiCebo, in one particular instance, an enemy might spawn and get stuck on a nearby wall (I don't know why, the enemy has a very clear, open path). I simply moved that particular spawn point to a different location, and made sure there were no problems with the Navigation Mesh. Nothing else about the game was changed. I then repackaged, and reuploaded to the Google Drive.

Our host Matt Aspland is the ultimate decider of this, but I highly doubt he will have a problem with it. He openly states in the beginning of his game jams that if contestants fail to meet the deadline, they can reach out to him personally and be given a chance to submit anyways. I did a quick search, I am fairly certain a few of the entries where late, since they don't show how much time was remaining in the competition when they submitted. If the host is ok with people submitting their games late, I don't see why he would object to people who submitted on time doing simple bug fixes.

Thank you!

Fair play 👍