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Very cool idea! It took me awhile to see where I was on the map, I actually noticed the trees before I noticed my player character hehe, so perhaps a little effect on the player would make it very clear!

The card design art and the map art is amazing! Really love the style~ Also the UI is superb! I kinda wished I could zoom in and out on the map, also the icons are quite tiny.

Perhaps a little linear tutorial at the start just to learn the basics would really help. Once it started I was a bit overwhelmed hehe.

Really neat idea and keep working on it!

Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your impressions. I was thinking about what you suggest, and you are totally right. All "building" Cards (trees are buildings as well in my object model) are giving feedback when player hovers them - but the "event"/"tutorial" cards do not. That's something I will change - for all of them I can give proper feedback in the games world. Thanks to your feedback, I realised that something is missing here.

The zoom is also a valid point - I also had to remove the fog of war, because of performance issues. I will have a look at both topics later. When the fog is back, it should also be easier to orient yourself in the beginning - only a small portion of the map around the player will be visible then.