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Nice relaxing game!
I really enjoyed how polished it looked. However, the rules were a bit frustrating for me. I suggest using different words instead of "adjacent" or adding an option to remind players of the rules in each level.

I loved how the game showed the tile change when it was correct for houses. It would have been nice to see the same effect for lakes and beaches when they were placed correctly. The contrast for fields and buildings was good, but I think a bit more contrast would be even better.

I assume you will continue updating the levels because there seems to be a numbering issue. After level 8, it jumps all the way to 41 instead of going to 42, and this pattern repeats for higher levels. By the way, level 123 is missing.

I appreciate that you provide language options, but I'm not sure what the last option is for. It looks like a paper and seems to be for copying, but I'm unsure about its purpose.

Overall, keep up the good work! I had a great time playing the game and I'm excited to see what updates and improvements you'll bring in the future. :D