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(1 edit) (+1)

The choice of platform certainly earns the game some uniqueness points, and the limited visuals give it a very distinctive look. The engine feels kind of ungraceful, though, with the text box being so small that a lot of lines are awkwardly forced to span over multiple screens and with the sprites being so large that you can only see the faces (well, lucky that the assets were familiar).

On the writing side, my main impressions were "fast" and "utilitarian" – a lot of happens and a lot of locations are visited, but nothing really leaves much of an impression, and even the central relationship feels mostly like a hint of things to come in a theoretical continuation. I think the fact that the titular noodles don't really factor into the story epitomizes the problem pretty well. Some kind of hook or high concept premise missing, something to make the game stand out.

you can really tell I spent like a week making the engine and like 3 days writing the whole story lol. The text needed to be big because the screen is small, I really tried to make it as playable as possible on real hardware. It was a challenge and there were definitely things I could have done better, but by the time I was done with the engine I was so burnt out and just wanted to be done lol.

thank you for your feedback <3