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Ohhhh okay I gotcha! I’m really sorry about that my friend! No no it’s totally okay and no worries. You’re always welcome to edit a comment if something doesn’t sit right with you. Of course, if you do comment, take all the time in the world until you feel comfortable and satisfied with what you have to say. No rush. I’ll be here waiting patiently for it 😆💕 No worries because it wasn’t intentional and you meant no harm. And to show for it, you are taking the necessary steps to correct yourself and that shows that you are an accountable individual. That in itself is really important. It also shows that you have integrity and morality. You’re a wonderful person and I love that 👏😆💖

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I was not planning on replying to anyone anymore, but your comment made me just need to write something back. I have no idea if this is even allowed. But, I sometimes see people having conversations through comments so I guess replying one more time is fine. o.o
I did not expect such kind reply from you...honestly I expected nothing else to be said, but you went on ahead and gave me compliments nobody has ever given to me before in my entire life. Made my heart go places it has never gone to. Made me cry a bit too...happy tears. That’s why I’m replying rn.

I thank you very much for saying that. I always am trying to be nice to everyone and respectful, althought it doesn’t always work out and it does flustrate me most of the time. I love to be fair with people.^^

You told me I’m being too kind to you...but after this I can’t really help myself but to say that I really think you deserve all of the love and support from everyone. You are a wonderful person too and I hope you will have a great time working while having such great people to support and help you. But ofc not overdo it and take breaks when needed.

I’m a little afraid I got a bit too attached to you now because I seriously can’t help feeling happy when you reply. So, in the future, everytime you would update the game with finished route I’m going to make sure to comment on how great it was.^^
And please, do not was entirely my fault that I stressed so much not paying attention to what I was writing. And as an apology. have this loooong comment. Xd

Im sending a loads, loads of love and care. And have super dooper nice and extra beautiful rest of the day. <3


They´re really nice! and so cute. It shows they really care about the game and us /cries

And don´t be scared to leave a comment and say what you think! This is a safe place ❤️

I mean come on, any person that enjoys an Undertale VN is my family now frfr 😫


Agreed TT They indeed do and it’s so precious.
I noticed and I feel much better to do so. I’m glad I came across people like you to show me that.^^
Thank you, I’m soooo happy to be part of it-///-


You are too!!!!

That's so wonderful and that brings me so much joy!!! This is so freaking beautiful and I love this so darn much! What a vibe!

Yay we all family <3 <3 <3

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omg I'm so late to these comments and I'm so sorry!!! I'm here and I made it lol

Well you guys are really nice and kind as well!!! You guys are amazing!!! I care about it all, I want to bring joy to everyone <3

I second that motion! Very safe place and if anyone dares disrupts this safe space, I'll band them and report them. I'll do everything in my power to get rid of them! I don't tolerate people who think it's okay or funny to take away a safe place for many.

I am so with you on that. You guys are my fam! <3 <3 <3

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You’re allowed to comment whenever you please and I will always write back! You’re welcome to reply or not, whenever you decide I’m still here okay 💖 Well you’re a wonderful person and so lovely to talk to. You deserve such compliments, love and support as well. I mean that deep down in my heart. Any person who is wonderful deserves it as well. My goodness you’re absolutely sweet as hell, I think I’m getting cavities!!! 🥹💕 I just want to give you hugs!! Here take my virtual hugs *hugs*

You’re very welcome! Yeah I totally understand that a lot and it wears you out over time. At that point give it to those who are deserving and don’t let people take advantage of your kindness. Make sure to protect your peace because your wellbeing is important. You’re important. You deserve the unconditional love and support.

Thank you so very much friend that really moves me🥹🥲💖 Support or not, I’m just happy and grateful at the fact I could spread joy to others. Everyone needs that. I truly want that. Thank you!! I will do my best and take breaks if I need to.

Daaawwww~ my friend!!!! No don’t be afraid, I don’t want to frightened you off!!! Talk to me whenever you want, it can be here, tiktok, or tumblr. Aw heck all three if you want! And I’ll talk to you! I do have a discord but I never set up a server because I need to learn about it lol. Wow thank you sooooo darn much!!! I will look forward to those comments of yours 💖💖💖

How about this, none of us have nothing to be sorry about and it’s no one’s fault. We are all okay and we can all catch a vibe 😆💕 I absolutely love your long comment! It’s the freaking best ever! I really do love long comments 😍💕

Well I’m sending you the same amount that you sent me!!! Thank you and you too my friend 💖💖💖

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Aaaaaaaa I’m going to get diabetes at this rate. You are really sweet and kind. I really enjoy talking to are just as lovely-///- You can virtually hug me anytime you want and I will always return it, I love hugs very much, thank you!!<3 *hugs back*

I sure am trying my best to not get used by others. For the sake of people I’m closest with. They would be devastated knowing I’m getting hurt for someone not worth it.

That’s so nice to hear! And you are very welcome. You indeed spread a lot of’s so nice of you to do that. :>

Honestly you could never frighten me off after this. So glad I decided to comment. While I don’t have tiktok and I feel like I had tumblr but didn’t use it for a loooong time(..most likely forgot my password...I can’t even find it in my tiny notebook I write my passwords in..TT). I might need to make a new account for that. I bet you put a lot of fun stuff there that would be nice to look at. And if you would decide to make a discord server after learning what you need, I’m going to be thrilled! Ofc not mad if not. Like I said before, I genuinely will enjoy whatever choice you make. For the game and other things.

I agree very much so and let’s do just that. Sure am catching vibes around here Xd I’m happy you love and enjoyed it!^^

Take care and I wish you a great day! <3

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That is it, darn it!!! I’m so freaking latching onto you!!! I absolutely love hugs myself!!! So I’m going to hug you and hold onto you while we talk friend!!! 

Funny thing, I actually do this with my friends and family and they think it’s so weird lol but it’s my favorite thing to do 😍💖!! Or I can just give you repeat of hugs at appropriate times like a normal person!! 

You can do it! Protect yourself and love yourself! I believe in you! Shoot, I offer my protection in spirit my friend! Now I’m definitely there if you need me! 😆💕

Yes yes! There can’t be too much of it and there’s certainly not enough of it!!!

Yayayayay I’m so glad, my friend! Ah goodness this just makes me so elated and excited!!! Welp I’m definitely going to make time to learn to make a server now! I promise I will make it a safe space for everyone and protect it at all cost!! Oh maaannn you bring me so much joy friend!! Thank you for being my friend!! I’m so deeply grateful 🥹😭💖💖💖

Heck yeah! It’s a deal!! I absolutely do!!! Such a wonderful and beautiful thing to witness!!! 

Thank you!!! You have an extraordinary day and take care!!! 

P.S. I’ll get back to you when I get the discord server up ✌️😆💖


Aaaawww^^ Sure thing friend! You sure can do that it would make me feel really nice!<3

Oh my, really? That’s really adorableee! Weird or normal I do not care. Whichever makes you happy I will accept^^ Honestly I do not really get a chance to hug many people from my family and my best friend cuz they cannot last too long Xd So, I wouldn’t be mad if you did that to I said to me it’s adorable!

I sure will and I can feel your protection very well friend, thank you so much!

Oh geez...I’m happy you are so excited, makes me super glad. I’m replying after you made it but I felt like replying to this beautiful comment...couln’t leave it as it was without giving some beautiful reply myself<3 As for the server, that is so nice of you! I believe you will and I think you will do great job as a protector! You bring me just as much and no need to thank me for me it was only obvious I would love to be your friend! Really...who wouldn’t? Especially if you are so lovely!^^

It sure is! I love it very much!

You take care friend and hopefully I will get to speak with you on the server from time to time<3 Have a nice and beautiful day!<3<3

I did it friend! I made a discord! I hope the bots do their jobs if I am not around. I'll make a post and put the server out there. I'm pretty nervous about this...

The discord server link : HERE