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I do have a couple of questions about lore and random background details, but I want to hold off on asking directly about them until I've experienced the whole story, since I do get the impression they will be answered over the course of the story.

One of my questions does revolve around the purple crystal oily stuff in the R&D area, but I'm hoping we'll figure out what that is through the rest of the story. (I do have some ideas about it. It might be ichor, maybe from one of the gods or more likely from Asterion... I am not sure why it's there, or if it has any purpose, but we'll see. I might be way off on that idea)


The answer to your question about the crystal is already in the game ;)

I think some people in the forum already connected the dots about it, but I'm not sure.

I was thinking it might be, was it in the last version or the 'recent' update from a month or so ago? I haven't had time to play the update yet...

Either way I guess that means I need to go replay the VN :D (oh no... /s)♥️❤️🐮

It's not in the latest update, no. It's been in the game for a long while now.

You'll need to explore the valley.

(1 edit)

Ah! That might be why I've not figured it out yet, I almost never do the valley 😔

Too busy spending time with characters in the hotel 😂❤️

(Edit: Thanks for the tip, on where to look!)