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wow, that was really impressive. it looks like a cute pixelart rpg, but the whole "camp" feels more like a nazi concentration camp or a prisoner of war camp and the story of two people trying to make sense of that and the wall that seperates them while only being able to communicate in a very limited way - these are some hefty topics, but handled really mature, imo. I liked that the settings was kept rather vague and as a player you start to fill out the blanks yourself. to that extend the limited graphics and dialog made a lot of sense and the music of course *chefskisses*.

here are some little suggestions if you are interested:
- I get that you wanted the minimal pixel-art-grey-block-world to appear a little more atmospheric by using these shadows/shades, but it kinda broke the art style by showing round circles everywhere. you could try downscaling these to the same resolution as the rest of the game, maybe add some dithering to it?! or smoother shading, that doesn't make the circles as visible? as it is right now I really found it distracting
- the sneaking felt a bit unfair at times and forced you to do trail and error, because you couldn't see where guards are coming from or where there were going. maybe some subtle foot-prints that players could pick up on to understand the route?
- was the girl basically in the same situation as the boy, only in a different area? that would rob the wall the function of define inside and outside and would lesser the feeling of being caged in by it. I think it would be more impactful, if the other side of the wall actually symbolizes freedom and the girl is just concerned and helpful while you are basically a prisoner. or the other way around.

ok, that were my 2 cents. again: great work!