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I knew the second I saw the screenshots I was going to love this! Great job. The puzzle design is excellent too, the puzzles are not too difficult but still provide a challenge. One of my favorite entries. I only have some really minor feedback as this was very polished.

Speaking of polishing :D, the glossiness of the wood on the characters felt a bit too much. I liked the medium setting for reflection more, but it's just my opinion. It's great that gamepad is supported for movement, I like that a lot, but it was still lacking in menus. You could for example pause with the start button but you have to use the mouse to unpause. Same for the main menu and the next level button. Other than that, I was a bit stuck on level 4, that's mainly on me but I thought the wood at the bottom-middle of the screen was a wall. Oh and for some reason finishing level 3 unlocked level 6 in the selection menu for me instead of 4.

thank you for your feedback :)