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(1 edit)

I have some questions

1. Why are the characters dick and balls huge?

2. Why is Iron the only character that is showing off his dick instead of covering it up

3. So...if noticed most of the characters are based off of their fursona. If that's so, do they have any say in the matter of how they want you to handle their oc in the game or is it all you having carte blanche?

4. If I were - hypothetically speaking - wanted you to put my character in the game, how much does it cost?

5. Is it ok if I recommend you to put my favorite artist in the game? Like do you need to talk to them first?

1) It's how the new artist wants to do them.

2) He was always showing off his dick due to the old artist who made him. He was painting everything.

3) They get told what's being added and a full list of everything they do and say in the game.

4) It's 300usd for adding in a character which includes the character (dressed,nude,hard), and events in the game. Paid over the course of 3-x months as we only accept 50-100ush per moth to be paid so we are doing other things aside from just making patreon characters. Scenes cgs usually cost 250usd depending on what's in them. Adding in a new character is a lot more work for everyone instead of just adding in a cg.

5) We are no longer commissioning other artists to add characters and scenes in the game anymore as we've found an artist to do all of the art. He will be replacing all old art. Characters, cgs, bgs, gui.

(1 edit)

No, that's not what I meant about question 5.

What I was trying to say was that is it ok for you to implement favourite artist original characters in the game; like asking permission from him?

The artist name is @kpikkar on Twitter by the way. 

If they are owned by someone else, as long as they give permission to have the character added in the game, it's fine as long as I see them give their permission.