The problem is Gamejolt doesn't seem to answer the tax infomation. is Marchant of Record and people can go pay taxes themselfs which can open more to opportunitys. The only infomation I got from Gamejolt are from developers asking questions:
This is what i think is happening is Gamejolt is not doing anything but letting people file tax return. In their TOS, Cookies and Privacy it is stated they collect infomation to give it to Payment Processers. This is cofusing since this doesn't establish relationship with developer to payment processers, only to gamejolt. In my blog i recorded everyone's but gamejolt responds to how taxes are handled:
only is the one offering a merchain of record, everyone else is following the "handle taxes yourself". So i do not know what gamejolt is doing and i can not confirm anything about their wallet system being with laws because i never seen a company just hand out tax forms to developers and the company only one working with payment processers.