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then I’ll do revenge first and romance afterwards,it‘ll be spicy


Thank you lots! <3 Remember to take your time! And eat and drink water! :}  Don't overwork yourself<3



(2 edits) (+5)

Ending revenge:

Jester and you leave the horsedrawn wagon and finally you see that the two in charge of disposing of your corpse have been brutally murdered.(They were your bodyguards when you were alive)The taller one was light skinned with brown hair and his eyes- are missing.His throat appears to have been crushed.The smaller one was rather scrawny, with tanned skin,long black hair put into a man-bun.He met the same fate as his colleague.“Whoops; guess my anger got the better of me,“: Jester says while he adjusts his red and blue hat.“Where shall we go now master?~“he adds.You tell him that you want to get revenge on your family,so the castle it is.But to get in you‘ll need a disguise.“Don’t worry about a disguise master for I, shall borrow you some clothes of mine nyehehehehe~“He tells you as he holds his hand out for you “Shall we go,my master?“.You take his hand and the two of you teleport into his home.He leads you to his bedroom and looks through his wardrobes.Finally he found an outfit for you.“Would ya mind trying these on?“He asks as you take the two outfits.You ask him to turn around.Jester does as you please and covers his eyes aswell. You look at the outfits.

The one on your right is a dress with ruffled skirt,long sleeves,a cute bow on the back and a hat like Jesters.

The one on your left is a pair of loose pants,a long sleeved dress shirt and vest and a hat like Jesters.

Both outfits are in the colors blue, gold and silver.Which one will you choose?

You choose the left outfit.After you get dressed you tell Jester that you are ready.He turns around and checks you out before saying:“My, even prettier than I imagined;“ he pauses,then says:“ I also got ya a mask so ya won’t get recognized so easily.“.It’s a white mask with a smile carved into it.You accept the mask and put it on.Jester holds out his hand now once again and asks you gently :“Shall we~?“. You accept his gloved,gentle hand and you teleport nearby the castle.It only takes a little bit for the two of you to get noticed by the guards.You tell them that you are the new court jesters (the old one died yesterday,lucky you).Finally they let you in and escort the two of you to the throne room.“Good job,master;“: Jester whispers to you “Now it‘s my turn~“.You can feel that Jester casted some kind of spell on you. You enter the throne room and see your parents and three brothers.Your father,the king snaps with his fingers and the guardsmen leave.Your oldest brother,the future ruler of the kingdom commands Jester and you to begin with the show.The two of you bow and your “performance“ begins.Jester made a torch and gasoline appear in his hands.“Time for the first trick~“he says as he quickly looks at you before he starts to spew flames.Your family is stunned by the stunt as you lean your head back,open your mouth and you pull out a sword.Now you understand what Jester meant earlier.The audience is impressed and now in shock as you say: “Time.For.My .Revenge.“And point the blade at your father.He now calls for his guards but your partner takes care of them quickly by burning them.Your brothers now charge at you with their own weapons but with just a few blows they go down one by one.“Who… are you?“:Your mother asks you with a shaking voice that makes you laugh maniacally as you ram your sword in her head to give her a quick death.Finally,Jester and you corner your father.You take off your mask and let him see your face.The expression on your face is cold and deadly.With a look of pure terror he asks you:“I killed you myself… how are you alive?!“.You stare at him coldly before saying:“My partner helped me.Now time… FOR YOUR END!!!“.You slash open his throat and stab him multiple times, blood splashing everywhere.Your partner- now covered in blood- smiles at your work and says:“My,what a beautiful mess~!This was fun,my master nyehehehehehe~“.You do not respond for a few seconds.Finally a tear falls as you begin to smile at what you‘ve done.But none of this had been possible if Jester wouldn’t have brought you back…you’re gonna reward him.You take your father’s crown and tell Jester to go down on one knee and take off his hat.“Of course,your majesty~“:He replies,smiling a darling smile.You place the crown on his head— “Huh—?“: Jester wonders— and say: 

“Let us rule the world together,my darling Jester~“


Dame, slay on that script you just made. Can't wait for you to write your next one. take your time though :)


Thank you,it took me almost three hours to finish it 😅


Thank you so much! It's amazing! And that's quite a time, you don't have to rush!  Take as long as you need<3  thank you alot for this script! it's wonderful!


You’re welcome and 3 hours is nothing compared to the game I’ve been working on on my own for 8 months and I’m halfway done by now.But I’ll have to translate it to english for I’ve written it in my native language (german)

Oooh! Well I look forward to the game <3 and that is quite a long time, I'm positively sure it is gonna be good! most of your games I've seen are!



Just wanted to let ya know that i added something to the after storry rn

oh really? i'll check it out ^^


Hiya, sorry I didn’t text you in ages, just wanted to let ya know I‘m finally active on ao3 so I can finally write some juicy stories (the first one‘s either gonna be about Jester or Francis Mosses) without getting into trouble!My name on there is Mia_Mightful btw, so check it out if you wanna read some stuff :)


While writing this I listened to “Sonne“ from the metal band “Rammstein“ btw.The songs vibe kinda gave me the idea to make the reader a merciless killer


The way you just created a masterpiece- The script is AWSOME

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aww,thank you :)

I really appreciate it!

'Sup Lemon, long time no texting!Just wanted to let you know I‘m now active on ao3 so I can write some juicy stuff about Jester (it‘s about damn time, seriously).My profile name on there is Mia_Mightful if you’re curious

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, creator here!

I appreciate the enthusiasm and fanworks over my game, I really do-
And I don't mind all the suggestive and thirsty comments; but this game page is a public space, and the game itself is still SFW.
Your fanfic has entered the NSFW territory and I would appreciate if you take it down and post it in a proper fanfic hosting website like FF.Net or AO3 instead 😅. Thank you.

(1 edit)

Woops,i got a little carried away,sorry :(

Also I was already half asleep when I wrote that fanfic (it was 4 AM then)

It's fine. Thanks for understanding <3

I’ll write a more family friendly after story next time 😅

hey Anta, 

I don’t want to bother you but could you please tell what programming system you used for this? I’m planing to make a Welcome Home game in this style



Thank you kindly :)

sorry to bother again,but I wanted to ask if you are ok with AU‘s of Jester being posted here