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I'm not sure if I was doing something wrong, but I wasn't able to jump high enough to get over the obstacles or reach the power-ups. I tried both tapping and holding down the space bar. I wonder if this might be framerate related, because the game was also pretty jumpy for me. I don't know much about Godot, but I know in Unity, you sometimes have to adjust for the time in between frames to make sure character movement behaves the same regardless of the hardware the game is running on. I played in Chrome on a newer gaming PC with above average specs. Let me know if you want more information about my setup for debugging.

All of that said, I loved this concept! It really resonates with me and as a prototype, this is great. I would love to see how you develop it. :) I don't think it was working how you intended for me, although losing so fast did make it metaphorically resonant in a different way. lol Anyway, I see the potential here and kudos for a great idea!