Thanks so much Yal! I am still familiarizing myself with the engine, but as i've taken your above advice into action, I realize I may be in over my head with a this rather complicated totem mechanic and may need to revisit it later. BUT if you have time, these are a few things I'm running into:
- Not sure where in the init moves to put amp_generate_monster(1,monster_totem_1,1)
I've tried placing it in a few of the argument fields there with no success. Maybe I need to create a "status" with 100% acc and code it to create totems that way?
- I have tested forcing a mon to appear in battle by just doing a press key event in obj_battle_control. I can't get it to pop in a duo battle (with one mon on my team) but it will pop into my party (and can be swapped into lol) I wonder if creating a designated slot for totems might be the way to go, unless I'm missing something which is likely lol.
Thanks a bunch as usual!!