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You really need to reconsider the save location. I played for a bit but at one point the game became practically unplayed. Loading would take a minimum of 40 seconds to several minutes. The game would hang as if there was a memory leak or something. Please put the save folder within the game's folder  itself. I'm playing another unity game and the save folder is right there with "Managed", "Mono" and "Resources".


The location of the save file shouldn't affect the loading speed.


🤦🤦🤦 No it doesn't. But I may want to delete them to make the game playable again.


Deleting the save file wouldn't make the game load faster.


🤦🤦🤦 Yes it does. Please don't talk as if you know how it works when you clearly don't. Spreading misinformation doesn't help anyone.

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I am a game dev and experienced programmer.  Deleting your save file will not fix a memory leak.  At best it would delay its reappearance (assuming it's actually an issue with the game itself).


🤦🤦🤦 Well then you're a fraud and you don't know shit because that's exactly what happens. Again, stop spreading misinformation. You're not helping anyone.


By deleting the save file all you've done is reset the issue.  It's still present, waiting to reappear, and now there's no way to identify it because you've erased all the evidence.


You were saying earlier that it doesn't fix the problem. But it does. Glad to see that at least you realized you were wrong. And the problem isn't exclusive to a single save. It's the game's problem. That means it can happen again. Which it did and continues to do. I don't understand why you are trying to antagonize me that much especially when you know you are wrong.


To be fair, you're not exactly being the most approachable either, regardless if you're right or wrong.


He's actually not wrong... it doesn't fix the problem it merely slaps a temporary band-aid on it in the form of resetting its progress.

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why did you bother to respond if he bugged you so much lol, also he is right and you are right, but i say that because it depends on what engine was used to create it, some deleting the save file fixes it others do not and make it worse and require a whole entire deletion of the download and re-downloading it


I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem if you find out a fix please let me know. It's a good game but is almost unplayable when it take 5 mins to do anything.


The only fix is to delete your save file. I think maybe you can prevent this from happening by not saving as frequently, but I've not tested it yet. Though that's still a temporary fix and it will come back.

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you are 100% right Main, there was a bug that accumulated and duplicated lists, so the more times you loaded/saved in a single session, the worse. 

It's been fixed and the fix even can reduce the size of your old saves, so you dont have to start again  (just overwrite your old save)

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Thank you very much for the fix ! It's very much needed. And glad I could help !


Yeah it really sucked, specially because it was hard to reproduce. Me and the people who worked on it never had this trouble because we didnt play long sessions, but instead specific ones where we just test whats new. It took months even after the first complains that I really had any clue about what the problem could be (doing different other types of tests before I actually found the bug), but yeah, now at least is playable! 

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Kinda late answer... there was a bug with the saves, a quite critical one. It's been fixed, and if you load your old saves they can be fixed too (just overwrite them) 

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Better late than never ! Thank you for the fix !