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I've been excited about this game since playing the beta prologue (well before the Kickstarter), and I've been impressed by the quality of the work overall--both writing and art.  I am still looking forward to it so much, but I would never ask you to compromise your health or to feel guilty about what you're able to do within certain timeframe parameters.

So many of us have been having difficulties for the past few years, and it's a very common thing to feel that those difficulties are hard to discuss, or that one may be fearful to bring them up.  I am honored that you've shared what you have with us, and it only makes me identify with you and your team more as humans.

I am confident that this game is going to be AMAZING.  If my own current challenges didn't require me to be cutting back on expenses, I would have done the Kickstarter, or I would pre-order right now.  I have to wait on that, though, but I promise that I will buy the game as soon as I have more cushion!!  It is one of the few titles I'm super-looking forward to. <3

Keep up your good work, and know that we're out here supporting you and cheering you on, including cheering times when you rest or reevaluate!

Thank you so much!  I totally understand the budget issue.  I can't back all the projects I want, either.  It means the world to us just to have excited fans!