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Pretty cool demo.
Here's some feedback:

-I would definitely add coyote time, I sometimes pressed jump slightly too late and use double jump instead of jumping.

-Adding drop shadow would help with platforming too.

-Move camera a bit up and make it only move up and down when player moves certain distance up and down
Here's a video talking about it if I explained it poorly.

also I would add reset camera button that would rotate camera to the same rotation player is facing.

-Timer should stop if you finish the timed action, it's kind of annoying to still hear it after you finish.

-Also the first time I jumped on the leaf I though it would collapse after a few seconds (It just felt less stable than previous platforms I jumped on.

-I would make the sound of the singing monkeys a bit louder, I didn't realized what the buttons were doing at first. Also I had to go three times to listen to the song before I managed to do it.

-Adding more sound effects like waling, landing etc... would improve the experience.

-Monocle is barely visible and too me way too long to find. I would add it some glow texture behind it or something to make it a bit more visible. Also its a bit weird to having to interact with it to collect it instead just walking into it like rest of collectibles.

-Maybe adding something that indicates to the player that its possible to interact with it would be useful.

-Swimming feels horrible but I don't know if that's intentional or not.

-I collected 10 marmosets. I don't know if that's all of them but I couldn't find any more.

-Also Im a bit disappointed that the blue egg does nothing. I tried interacting with it, attacking it with both attacks, throwing fruit at it and nothing :(

Overall I see potential, Hope my feedback will help you improve you game, good luck on development :)


Hello, thank you for trying my demo. This is all very useful feedback and I will take it all on board going forward.

I wondered if you had any suggestions on how I could improve the swimming mechanics, because I agree that they could be improved and that's something I have planned to work on. 

Also, yes there are currently only 10 marmosets to find so congrats on getting them all! :)