Played through the update for a bit!!! AND I GOT A CLEAR!!!! Thanks to the power of some sort of... Devil Deal...? (That's what the icon looked like, anyway!! Some devil tail or somethin'. ...Seemed like it turned off Dash, though???) And Shiv, pff. God Shiv is so... funky. I think all these changes are fricking great, with what I saw. Did find it horrifying walking into a Greenhouse level though and immediately being surrounded on all sides by projectiles; these plants are evil........ But the amount of items you find is definitely greatly appreciated, now!!! Thank you for the seeded runs!!!
With the settings, though, I noticed two quirks: the sound settings reset after each run, and, uh...... the Fullscreen/Resolution settings just... look like this, and I can't do anything with them (tried clicking around their general vicinity to see if that'd do anything, too, but it didn't...)
Either way, though, excellent progress in toppling this tower!!! Thank you for the update!!!