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A title with a great premise, tone, and foundation that pushes the bounds of the RPGMaker engine. Can't wait to see how the game comes out as development continues and everything gets tightened up!

I am curious to what games were your primary inspiration for Court Magician. I'd love to check out titles with similar premises, like a greasy magician man trying to leverage women.


Hey YoungGriff, thanks for the comment!

I don't have a direct inspiration for the game with a greasy magician trying to manipulate women.  It was inspired in part by the idea of the lecherous villain in pop culture actually succeeding (Grima Wormtongue -> Eonwyn, Jafar -> Jasmine, Ming the Merciless-> Dale Arden, etc) but also on the idea that no one is really innocent or good, but kind of that everyone is bad and deserving of the downfall that they get.

There are a bunch of lecherous/ugly bastard games out there.  Most recently I've liked Satisfy Him, also a big fan of Cohabitation.  Ugly Bastard genre seems to be popular with Hentai, and Hentai games, but in general I'm not a fan of the aesthetic.  I'm also very inspired by trainer games like those by Akabur and PinkTea. 

On top of that, I wanted to meld with some of nostaligia for Disney/Bluth movies/Western animation, emergent strategy games (civiliazation) and 90s adventure games from Sierra/Lucas Arts.  Mix all of that together and you get the Court Magician!