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Court Magician

A member registered Dec 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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thanks!  the next update should fix most or all of the black screen bug.  
What would you like to see in the punishment?

powdered gold is from the jeweler, powdered iron is from the blacksmith in town

Would love to put this on steam, but I'm probably about a year out.  Direct downloads are available for my patrons and supporters as well.  We offer a mega link for $5 and above subscribers.

Thanks for the question!

I would love to offer other language for the game, but as the dialog is often system generated, it is not completely straightforward.  Once I get a full version 1.0, then I will look into how to localize to other languages.

we're working on it, sadly Android ports are not easy with RPGMaker

To be safe, I would say you should NOT play it if you don't like NTR.  

I know that people who don't like NTR get very upset if they see it, and I can't guarantee that it won't exist in this game.

The primary protagonist is generally the one stealing ladies from others, but some of these NPCs are married and have sex with their husbands.   Greely can peep on them to see this.

There is no explicit whoring out of the ladies to others yet, but it might be added in the future.

Hey, sorry to hear that!  In the main folder is a game.exe file.  Feel free to reach out on discord if you have any issues and I'll walk you through it.

I just learned about this today for my own game, I think you have to flag the game by the platform for it to be findable in the app.  good luck! 

Hey YoungGriff, thanks for the comment!

I don't have a direct inspiration for the game with a greasy magician trying to manipulate women.  It was inspired in part by the idea of the lecherous villain in pop culture actually succeeding (Grima Wormtongue -> Eonwyn, Jafar -> Jasmine, Ming the Merciless-> Dale Arden, etc) but also on the idea that no one is really innocent or good, but kind of that everyone is bad and deserving of the downfall that they get.

There are a bunch of lecherous/ugly bastard games out there.  Most recently I've liked Satisfy Him, also a big fan of Cohabitation.  Ugly Bastard genre seems to be popular with Hentai, and Hentai games, but in general I'm not a fan of the aesthetic.  I'm also very inspired by trainer games like those by Akabur and PinkTea. 

On top of that, I wanted to meld with some of nostaligia for Disney/Bluth movies/Western animation, emergent strategy games (civiliazation) and 90s adventure games from Sierra/Lucas Arts.  Mix all of that together and you get the Court Magician!

great music and talented composer!

Hi Winlu,

Just bought your fantasy exterior and interior tiles sets, they look great!  I need a cave interior, wondering if that is something that you are considering in the future?  Also do you have any recommendations on creating character sprites so that they fit in with your art style?  Thanks!