1. it's hilarious LOL
2. I don't know if I can describe this well enough, but the sense of progression is AMAZING. When you go from one island to another, the way how the camera zooms WAY out, and then zoom back in, really gives you a sense of scale of the stage and the game. The way how it makes you feel that everything connects instead of flipping the pages to a selection of stages one after another really blew my mind. Also, you CAN still shoot when your car is moving from one island to another!
3. No load times between stages, or maybe just very well hidden load times. (I did notice that the load times to start the game is a bit long, so I assumer that everything was loaded up front that's why)
4. the car physics. If I let off the gas, I can still steer the car until it completely loses momentum.
5. Are the sound effect of the car..... human voices? LOL Again, this adds to the hilarious note if it is, coz it kinda sounded like it. The background sounds and the attention to details of the sound effect is great, and every now and then I can hear sea gulls.
1. it's very short
2. In a way, it's more of a presentation than a game that poses challenges to the player.