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(1 edit)

Very unique and funny idea. Cool UI! Cool camera movements. The graphics are very aesthetically pleasing:)

I am a little confused as to how to read the baby's status and the turtle status, and whenever I failed, I don't really understand which part of what I did caused this. Also, a suggestion is to add some sound effect when tripped and fell, it'll be so funny haha (although I understand there's time pressure)

Oh, but there was a sound when falling.  Maybe it's broken, I had to look at it. And when you lose, there are different game overs, one for the turtle releaased, other for winning and one for waking up the girl. Time goes on so turtle is showing his head. For baby waking up, all sounds and lights make it worst and face of baby will chane to angry (there are 4 faces befor lose). Thank you for your comment!!