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I don't know if you happen to have read through another recent comment of mine, (my reply to 'Duck Tear Popper' just below these ones to 'They took my name') but that goes into a lot more detail about the actual reasons why I haven't been able to make much progress on this or any of my other projects recently x3

The TLDR version though is that I was very ill back in December last year, then I was working on Yandere Jam back in February this year once I was finally better, then someone broke my arm back in March this year, and then when the cast came off at the end of April, I've been playing catchup on my inbox all through May/June. + my IRL responsibilities have increased and I have less time in general to jump on my PC and work on stuff >.<

The biggest problem now is there's just never being enough time in a day to do everything I have to/want to do, haha.

Unless I happen to randomly pop my clogs or something, I should be able to complete DD eventually x3 Whether or not it's to the standard I had hoped is another matter! And whether or not I will be able to include everything I hope to still remains to be seen, but I should be able to complete it in some form at least. It's just gonna take a heck of a lot of time.

I think it took me around 3 years to make my first-ever game to completion because I was an idiot and tried to make a full-length game for my first project >.< And if I can make DD the way I hope to make it, it should be longer than SR! I can't remember if it was 2016 or 2017 that I started SR, but I eventually released it in June 2020. Everything else I've finished since then has been much shorter jam game projects.

Heck, I have the writing for another full-length project (CiQ) finished a long time ago >.< but ran into funding problems with that for voice acting + art so actually getting all the coding done for it has been on hold for a couple of years. A biiiig part of me wants to finish that before working on DD more because it makes the most sense with the story already being fully written + with me starting it before DD as well. I feel like a lot of people might get mad at me if I did that though because it seems like DD is the most popular of my projects >.< I do hope to eventually complete both of them though cos it would be a huuuuge waste of the roughly 125k words already written for CiQ.

Anyways, I appreciate the well-wishes :3 And I intend to keep going with all of my projects for as long as I can ^-^ even if I can only go at snail speed x3


Hahaha, then I truly wish you good luck.

Cheers! I will most likely need it x3